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2020/09/29 00:27:11瀏覽333|回應1|推薦15 | |
昨天是教師節,我思考了一些與教師或教育有關的事: Yesterday is Teachers Day, and I thought about some things related to teachers or education: ------ 一、從古至今,流傳著很多「敬師」典範故事,但這些故事裡面,真正感人的地方,並不是來自對教師個人崇拜,而是對「真理」或「道」的追求。 1. From ancient times to the present, there have been many model stories about "respecting teachers", but the truly touching part of these stories does not come from the personal worship of teachers, but the pursuit of "truth" or "dao." ------ 二、同樣是「敬師」的行為,究竟是僅止於表面的禮貌與儀式,或是發自內心崇敬與效法,當老師的人,必定是能察覺與感受的,而且,這對學習者本身也會有深刻的影響。 2. The same act of "respecting the teacher" is it only superficial politeness and rituals, or is it from the heart to respect and imitate, a teacher must be able to perceive and feel it, and this is for learners It will also have a profound impact. ------ 三、良師是個人學習過程、生涯發展與人生路上的珍寶,同時,良師可影響無數學生,進而影響社會風俗,故古代有言:「良師興國」。 3. Good teachers are treasures of personal learning process, career development, and life. At the same time, good teachers can influence countless students, which in turn affects social customs. Therefore, there was a saying in ancient times: "Good teachers rejuvenate the country." ------ 四、「老師」不限於「在學校中以教授知識為職業者」,但學校中的教學者確實居於關鍵地位。在我們一生中,父母也是我們的老師,公司的老闆、主管、前輩也是我們的老師。 4. "Teachers" are not limited to "professionals in teaching knowledge in schools", but teachers in schools do play a key role. In our lives, our parents are also our teachers, and the company’s bosses, supervisors, and seniors are also our teachers. ------ 五、真正的老師,未必會在乎「老師」的稱謂與名望。另外,我們自己也有可能成為自己的老師。打個比方,在緊要關頭提醒我們自己的,有時就是我們自己的一個念頭。 5. A true teacher does not necessarily care about the title and reputation of "teacher". In addition, we ourselves may become our own teachers. For example, what reminds us at a critical moment is sometimes a thought of ourselves. ------ 六、「同行之間彼此互相低估」的情況,自古皆有。但真正的人才,會努力打破這種情況,與同行相扶持、合作,共同邁向更好的境地。 The situation of "underestimating each other among colleagues" has occurred since ancient times. But real talents will work hard to break this situation, support and cooperate with their counterparts, and work together towards a better situation. 換句話說,他們彼此互為良師,而且將會成為一個良師團隊,去幫助更多有心學習的人。 In other words, they are mentors to each other, and they will become a team of mentors to help more people who are interested in learning. ------ 七、能夠陪伴我們一生且二十四小時不離不棄的人,就是我們自己。「自我教育」勢在必行且其威力不容小覷。 The person who can accompany us throughout our life and stay with us 24 hours a day is ourselves. "Self-education" is imperative and its power cannot be underestimated. 我們很幸運,雲端時代,海量的網路資訊、資源與書籍,都是我們自我教育的素材,善用並勤用它們,我們的進步也將不可侷限。 We are fortunate that in the cloud era, massive amounts of Internet information, resources, and books are all materials for our self-education. If we make good use of them and use them diligently, our progress will not be limited. ------ 八、大自然也是我們的老師。宋朝有位文學家張潮,在他的知名作品《幽夢影》中提到:「山水亦書也,花月亦書也」。萬物靜觀皆自得,大自然是無聲的老師。 Nature is also our teacher. Zhang Chao, a writer in the Song Dynasty, mentioned in his well-known work "You Meng Ying": "Landscapes are also books, and flowers and moons are also books." All things are contented with contemplation, nature is the silent teacher. ------ 九、報答師恩的方法不限於教師節當天表達祝福。如果我們能躬行實踐老師所教的道理,日復一日溫習與實踐所學,這都還只是盡本分而已。假如我們能夠推廣老師所說的道理,使自己的生命內涵日益寬宏、深邃;並且透過言傳與身體力行,給予旁人正面影響,都是報答師長恩情的方法。 9. The method of repaying the teacher is not limited to expressing blessings on Teacher’s Day. If we can practice the principles taught by the teacher, review and practice what we have learned day after day, this is just doing our duty. If we can promote what the teacher said, and make our life connotation increasingly broad and profound; and through words and practice, to give others a positive influence, these are all ways to repay the teacher’s kindness. ------ 十、當我們能夠打心裡尊崇真理(或者「道」),將各位師長對我們的身教、言傳,內化為生命中養分,不斷自我提升,而且樂於助人,則即使教師節忘了說聲教師節快樂,老師又怎麼會在意呢? 10. When we can respect the truth (or "Tao") in our hearts, internalize the teachings and words of teachers to us as nutrients in our lives, constantly improve ourselves, and be helpful, even if we forget to talk about teachers on "Teachers Day Happy!", how could the teacher care about that? ------ (翻譯工具:Google翻譯) Translation tool: Google Translate |
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