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2020/09/27 14:26:26瀏覽361|回應0|推薦13 | |
一、透過「關鍵字」與「訂閱」,讓適合自己需求的資訊,主動來接觸我們。 Through "keywords" and "subscriptions", let the information that suits our needs actively contact us. 二、過去,網路提供「匿名」的便利性,但隨著層出不窮的社會事件,人們還是比較相信「實名」的帳戶;然而,即使是因為各種考量,不便以實名在網路互動,只要言之有物,待人以誠,還是能交到不錯的「網友」。 2. In the past, the Internet provided the convenience of "anonymity", but with the endless social events, people may still believe in "real-name" accounts; however, even if it is inconvenient to interact with real-name online due to various considerations, if you can talk more about quality content and treat people with sincerity, you can still make good "netizens." 三、儘管電腦做筆記很方便,雲端筆記本更可隨處書寫與閱讀;但真正重要的資訊,最好還是用紙本筆記本寫下來,在書寫過程中,這些資訊也會被深思、消化,而有機會成為讀者自己的知識與智慧。 Although the computer is very convenient for taking notes, cloud notebooks can be written and read everywhere; but the really important information is best written in a paper notebook. In the process of writing, this information will be thought and digested. Have the opportunity to become the reader’s own knowledge and wisdom. 四、社群網站(例如臉書)除了提供我們所需要的資訊,讓我們有個平台,能與各地擁有相同愛好者互動之外,同樣重要的是,透過動態訊息的經常提醒,能提醒我們自己,朝著「有助於實踐初衷」的各種「目標」前進。 4. In addition to providing the information we need on social networking sites (such as Facebook) and allowing us to have a platform to interact with the same fans everywhere, it is also important that the dynamic information on those sites can remind us Towards various "goals" that "help to fulfill the original intention." 五、網路上可以說是臥虎藏龍,許多素人工作者、藝術愛好者,他們或許未必有該領域的證照、頭銜或數量眾多的成果,但卻可以在關鍵問題上,給陌生的網友適當協助。而且這種協助,往往是慷慨而少有保留的。 5. The Internet can be said to be "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Many amateur workers and art lovers may not have licenses, titles or numerous achievements in this field, but they can provide appropriate assistance to netizens on key issues. , And their assistance is generous and seldom reserved. 我們從許多討論區上,都能看到陌生網友間至誠的經驗分享,無論是職場心得、育兒經驗、養病過程、理財心法,還是解決電腦問題,學習某項技藝,參加某些考試等,只要我們肯發問,虛心求教,就有機會與他們相遇。 From many discussion forums, we can see sincere experience sharing among netizens, whether it’s workplace experience, childcare experience, medical treatment, financial management, or solving computer problems, learning a certain skill, taking certain exams, etc. If we are willing to ask questions and ask for advice humbly, we have the opportunity to meet them. 六、網路時代,大家的專注力與耐性似乎比較有限。 6. In the Internet age, everyones concentration and patience seem to be relatively limited. 如果從長期治學,如同大學教授或研究者那樣,當然是擁有較深的專注力與耐性會比較好;但從實際的生活上來說,我們確實有太多課題要去面對及處理了,所以「討論重點」就變成眾人彼此共同的期望。 If you are studying for a long time, like a university professor or researcher, it is of course better to have deeper concentration and patience; but in terms of actual life, we do have too many issues to face and deal with, so The "discussion point" becomes everyones common expectation. 而「討論重點」也許已成為網路人的默契,網友的討論經常能直切重點或問題核心,有時候,這可能看起來有點不夠溫暖,不像真正的朋友間可以閒扯幾句離題的話;但就問題迅速討論與解決來說,直切重點其實是很不錯的。 And "discussion points" may have become the tacit understanding of Internet people. Netizens discussions often focus directly on the key points or the core of the problem. Sometimes, this may not seem warm enough, unlike real friends who can gossip about the topic; but In terms of rapid discussion and resolution of problems, it is actually very good to focus directly. 七、在網路時代,資訊很豐富,蒐集很花心力,所以,我們更要透過適當方法整理、分類這些資訊,並且經常重新檢視它們。如此,在我們需要這些資訊的時候,才能夠將它們迅速提取、靈活運用。「善用資訊」應該是是生活在網路時代的我們,需要持續學習的功課。 7. In the Internet age, information is very rich and it takes a lot of effort to collect. Therefore, we must organize and classify this information through appropriate methods, and review it frequently. In this way, when we need this information, we can extract it quickly and use it flexibly. "Making good use of information" should be a homework that we who live in the Internet age need to continue to learn. 觀念參考: 部落格站長群(2011):《雲端工作術:社群情報力》,電腦人文化,2011年。 Conceptual reference: Group of bloggers.(2011). Cloud Work: Community Intelligence. Taipei: PcuSER. 翻譯工具:Google翻譯 Translation tool: Google Translate |
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