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2020/09/26 13:56:46瀏覽465|回應0|推薦4 | |
試譯《孟子‧梁惠王上》 A Trial Translation of "The First Part of King Hui of Liang" of "Mencius" ----- 孟子見梁惠王。 (孟子拜見梁惠王。) Mencius(孟子) visited King Hui of Liang(梁惠王). ----- 王曰:「叟!不遠千里而來,亦將有以利吾國乎?」 (梁惠王說:「老先生!您走了千里之遠而來到我國,有些什麼(言語、策略、想法等)可以利於我國呢?」) King Hui of Liang said: "Old man! You have traveled thousands of miles to come to our country, what (words, strategies, ideas, etc.) can be beneficial to our country?" ----- 孟子對曰:「王何必曰利?亦有仁義而已矣。 (孟子回答梁惠王說:「大王為什麼一定要談『利』呢?我所主張的只有『仁義』罷了。」) Mencius replied to King Hui of Liang: "Why do you want to talk about "benefit"? All I advocate is "benevolence and righteousness." ----- 王曰:『何以利吾國?』大夫曰:『何以利吾家?』 (假如大王總是說「(這事物)對我的國家有什麼利益呢?」,那麼,大夫(Daifu)也將會說:「(這事物)對我的家有什麼利益呢?」) If the king always said, "What is the benefit of (this thing) to my country?", then the Daifu(大夫,a kind of ancient official title) will also say: "What is the benefit of (this thing) to my country?") ----- 士庶人曰:『何以利吾身?』 (像這樣,讀書人與平民百姓也會問:「這事物對於我個人有什麼利益呢?」) In this way, scholars and ordinary people will also ask: "What benefit does this thing have for me?" ----- 上下交征利,而國危矣。 (那麼,整個國家,從在上位者到居於下位者,全都追求有利於己;那麼這個國家就危險了。) Then, the whole country, from those in the upper ranks to the lower ones, is all about the pursuit of profit;Then this country is dangerous. ----- ......苟為後義而先利,不奪不饜。 ......假如一個國家把「義」的優先順序放在「利」的後面,那這個國家的人們,(見到他人擁有自己想要的事物),不搶奪過來是不會滿足的。 ......If a country puts the priority of "righteousness" behind "profit", then people in this country, (seeing that others have what they want), will not be satisfied if they dont grab it. ----- 未有仁而遺其親者也,未有義而後其君者也。 (沒有人會一邊實踐「仁」卻一邊拋棄自己親人的;同樣,也沒有人會一邊實踐「義」卻又怠慢自己的君主。) No one will practice "benevolence" while abandoning their relatives; similarly, no one will practice "righteousness" while neglecting their own monarch. ----- 王亦曰仁義而已矣,何必曰利!」 所以,大王您只要重視仁、義,就是掌握了治國的根本之道,又何必再常唸著利益呢?」 Therefore, as long as you pay attention to benevolence and righteousness, Majesty, you have mastered the fundamental way of governing the country. Why should you talk about interests more often?" (翻譯工具:Google翻譯) |
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