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2020/09/26 23:23:16瀏覽332|回應0|推薦4 | |
唐代書法家柳公權的仕途 The official career of Chinese calligrapher Liu Gongquan in Tang Dynasty 柳公權是中國知名的書法家,初學書法者,從楷書入門,許多人臨摹、精研的,就是柳公權的書法。 Liu Gongquan is a well-known calligrapher in China. Beginners of calligraphy need to start from regular script ,and many beginners copy and study the calligraphy of Liu Gongquan. 雖然,柳公權在歷代都享有極高聲譽,但他在世時,也曾經是不受執政者喜愛的,這主要是因為,他在一次對話中,曾惹得皇帝不悅。 Although Liu Gongquan has a very high reputation from the Tang Dynasty to the present, he was not loved by the rulers when he was alive. This is mainly because he angered the emperor in a conversation. 事情是這樣的: 有次,唐穆宗詢問柳公權,要如何才能將書法練好?柳公權回答:「用筆在心,心正則筆正。」 Thats what happened: Once, Emperor Muzong of Tang Dynasty(唐穆宗)asked Liu Gongquan: "How can I write calligraphy well?" Liu Gongquan replied, "The key to writing brush is our heart. As long as our heart is upright, the brush will be upright (then we can write calligraphy).” 這個「正」字應是「雙關」,一來是說寫書法的人要品行端正,二來是說拿筆的姿勢要正。也許,這真的是柳公權長期以來寫書法的心得。 The word "zheng" is a pun. On the one hand, people who write calligraphy should have good character, and on the other hand, they should hold the pen in an upright posture. Perhaps this is really Liu Gongquan’s long-term experience in writing calligraphy. 不過,穆宗皇帝聽到這話,覺得柳公權在諷刺他。穆宗皇帝覺得柳公權是在諷刺他品行不夠良好,所以書法不能寫好。 However, when Emperor Mu Zong heard this, he felt that Liu Gongquan was mocking him. Emperor Mu Zong felt that Liu Gongquan was mocking him for not being good enough, so he couldnt write well in calligraphy. 從此直到穆宗皇帝逝世,柳公權在官場上都不得志。 From then on until the death of Emperor Mu Zong, Liu Gongquan had no ambition in the officialdom. 然而,穆宗皇帝逝世後,接下來的三位皇帝:武宗、宣宗、懿宗,都相當敬重柳公權,柳公權在仕途上也發展越來越好; However, after the death of Emperor Mu Zong, the next three emperors: Emperor Wu Zong, Emperor Xuanzong, and Emperor Yizong all respected Liu Gongquan, and Liu Gongquan is also getting better and better in his career; 直到柳公權以八十八歲高齡逝世時,當時他已居於尊位,官名是「太子太師」。 By the time Liu Gongquan passed away at the age of 88, he was already in an honorable position, and his official name was the "太子太師" 所以,職場發展的風雲變化,有時實在是很難說得準。 Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to predict the changes in the development of people in the workplace. 柳公權只是陳述自己練習書法的心得,卻因此得罪皇帝,而影響仕途;但沒想到之後的三位皇帝,又紛紛成為公權的貴人。 At that time, Liu Gongquan only stated his own experience of practicing calligraphy, but offended the emperor and affected his career; however, the three emperors that followed became Liu Gongquans nobles. 假如柳公權當時戒慎恐懼,怕得罪皇上,說話也要小心翼翼,那他珍貴的書法心得,或許我們今日就無從聽聞了。 If Liu Gongquan was cautious and fearful at the time, for fear of offending the emperor, and he had to be careful when speaking, then his precious calligraphy experience may not be heard today. 而如果他是這樣戒慎恐懼,那麼,武宗、宣宗和懿宗等三位皇帝,是否還會如此賞識與敬重他呢? And if he was so cautious and fearful, would the three emperors Wu Zong, Xuan Zong, and Yi Zong still appreciate and respect him so much? (翻譯工具:Google翻譯) |
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