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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 2
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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 2
Que je l’aimais, que je la revois bien, notre église ! Son vieux porche par lequel nous entrions, noir, grêlé comme une écumoire, était dévié et profondément creusé aux angles (de même que le bénitier où il nous conduisait) comme si le doux effleurement des mantes des paysannes entrant à l’église et de leurs doigts timides prenant de l’eau bénite, pouvait, répété pendant des siècles, acquérir une force destructive, infléchir la pierre et l’entailler de sillons comme en trace la roue des carrioles dans la borne contre laquelle elle bute tous les jours. Ses pierres tombales, sous lesquelles la noble poussière des abbés de Combray, enterrés là, faisait au choeur comme un pavage spirituel, n’étaient plus elles-mêmes de la matière inerte et dure, car le temps les avait rendues douces et fait couler comme du miel hors des limites de leur propre équarrissure qu’ici elles avaient dépassées d’un flot blond, entraînant à la dérive une majuscule gothique en fleurs, noyant les violettes blanches du marbre ; et en deçà desquelles, ailleurs, elles s’étaient résorbées, contractant encore l’elliptique inscription latine, introduisant un caprice de plus dans la disposition de ces caractères abrégés, rapprochant deux lettres d’un mot dont les autres avaient été démesurément distendues.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

我多麼喜歡那座教堂呀,如今想起來猶歷歷在目!我們進教堂時必經的古老門樓,黑石上佈滿了坑坑點點,邊角線已經走樣,被磨得凹進去一大塊 (門樓裡面的聖水池也一樣),看來進教堂的農民身上披的粗呢斗篷,以及他們小心翼翼從聖水池裡撩水的手指,一次次在石頭上輕輕擦過,年復一年地經過幾個世紀,最終形成一股無堅不摧的力量,連頑石都經受不住,給蹭出了一道道深溝,好比天天挨車輪磕撞的界石樁子,上面總留有車輪的痕跡。教堂裡掩埋著貢布雷歷代神父高貴屍骨的墓石,像是為祭殿鋪下的地板,更增添了縈繞遐邇的靈氣;可如今這片片墓石已失去死寂堅硬的質地,因為歲月已使它們變得酥軟,而且像蜂蜜那樣地溢出原先棱角分明的界限,這兒,冒出一股黃水,捲走了一個哥特式的花體大寫字母,淹沒了石板上慘澹的紫菫;而在別處,墓石又被紫菫覆蓋得不見天日,橢圓形的拉丁銘文更顯得縮成一團,使那幾個縮寫字母平添一層乖張的意味,同一個字裡有兩個字母挨得特別近,其他的字母卻被大大地拓開了距離。
(p.66 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

咱們的那座教堂,我有多愛它,它此刻又多麼清晰地浮現在我眼前呵!我們走進教堂時穿過的那座古老的門廊,黑咕隆咚的,四處都是痘瘢似的斑斑點點,牆角已經歪斜.而且凹陷進去很深 (門廊盡頭的那只聖水缸也一樣),仿佛幾世紀以來,進這教堂來的農婦的外衣,以及她們怯生生地去醮聖水的手指,日復一日、年復一年地擦這這些石塊,天長地久就形成了一種無堅不摧的力量,使堅硬的石塊形狀發生了欹斜,而且在上面磨出了一道道溝痕,猶如載貨馬車天天跟界石磕碰,總要在上面留下車輪的痕跡一般。貢布雷歷代神甫高貴的遺骨,埋在一方方墓石下面,猶如給祭壇鋪就了一條帶有靈氣的通道,這些墓石本身已經失卻僵硬、板滯的意味,因為時光使它們變得線條很柔和,沿著磨去稜角的石板輪廓線,有如稠厚的蜂蜜在流淌似的時起時伏,當年四四方方的邊稜已不復可見,黃澄澄的流波所過之處,一個花寫的哥特體大寫字母變了形,大理石上鐫刻的白色的紫菫圖案也變得模糊了;而在近邊的那塊墓石上,不仗紫菫圖案已經磨蝕,而且橢圓形的拉丁文銘文也擠挨在一起,字體的布局更無章法可言,一個詞中的兩個字母靠得特別近,其他幾個字母則分得特別開。
追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

How I loved it: how clearly I can see it still, our church at Combray! The old porch by which we went in, black, and full of holes as a cullender, was worn out of shape and deeply furrowed at the sides (as also was the holy water stoup to which it led us) just as if the gentle grazing touch of the cloaks of peasant-women going into the church, and of their fingers dipping into the water, had managed by agelong repetition to acquire a destructive force, to impress itself on the stone, to carve ruts in it like those made by cart-wheels upon stone gate-posts against which they are driven every day. Its memorial stones, beneath which the noble dust of the Abbots of Combray, who were buried there, furnished the choir with a sort of spiritual pavement, were themselves no longer hard and lifeless matter, for time had softened and sweetened them, and had made them melt like honey and flow beyond their proper margins, either surging out in a milky, frothing wave, washing from its place a florid gothic capital, drowning the white violets of the marble floor; or else reabsorbed into their limits, contracting still further a crabbed Latin inscription, bringing a fresh touch of fantasy into the arrangement of its curtailed characters, closing together two letters of some word of which the rest were disproportionately scattered.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

How I loved it, how clearly I can see it again; our church! The old porch by which we entered, black, pocked like a skimming ladle, was uneven and deeply hollowed at the edges (like the Font to which it led us), as if the gentle brushing of the countrywomen’s cloaks as they entered the church and of their timid fingers taking holy water could, repeated over centuries, acquire a destructive force, bend the stone and carve it with furrows like those traced by the wheel of a cart in a boundary stone which it knocks against every day. Its tombstones, under which the noble dust of the abbots of Combray, who were buried there, formed for the choir a sort of spiritual pavement, were themselves no longer inert and hard matter, for time had softened them and made them flow like honey beyond the bounds of their own square shapes, which, in One place, they had overrun in a flaxen billow, carrying off on their drift a flowery Gothic capital letter, drowning the white violets of the marble; and into which, elsewhere, they had reabsorbed themselves, further contracting the elliptical Latin inscription, introducing a further caprice in the arrangement of those abridged characters, bringing close together two letters of a word of which the others had been disproportionately distended.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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