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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 1
2013/12/14 05:59:03瀏覽220|回應1|推薦11
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 1
Combray de loin, à dix lieues à la ronde, vu du chemin de fer quand nous y arrivions la dernière semaine avant Pâques, ce n’était qu’une église résumant la ville, la représentant, parlant d’elle et pour elle aux lointains, et, quand on approchait, tenant serrés autour de sa haute mante sombre, en plein champ, contre le vent, comme une pastoure ses brebis, les dos laineux et gris des maisons rassemblées qu’un reste de remparts du moyen âge cernait çà et là d’un trait aussi parfaitement circulaire qu’une petite ville dans un tableau de primitif.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

貢布雷,從十里開外遠遠望去 (當我們在復活節前的最後一個星期乘火車來到這裡,從鐵路那頭望去),所見只有教堂一座。這教堂概括了市鎮的風貌,代表了市鎮,並向遠方的人們宣告,這裡有座市鎮,它在為市鎮說話。然而,當你走近貢布雷,市鎮看上去就像一位身披深色大氅的牧羊女迎風站立在田野中間,市鎮上鱗次櫛比的房屋,等於是擠擠攘攘貼在牧羊女大氅周圍、拱起灰溜溜背脊的羊群。中世紀遺留下來的城牆,有些地方已經傾圯,但當年完美的弧形殘跡猶存,一截截圍住了城區的房舍,同古畫中的城池一樣。
追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

Combray at a distance, from a twenty-mile radius, as we used to see it from the railway when we arrived there every year in Holy Week, was no more than a church epitomising the town, representing it, speaking of it and for it to the horizon, and as one drew near, gathering close about its long, dark cloak, sheltering from the wind, on the open plain, as a shepherd gathers his sheep, the woolly grey backs of its flocking houses, which a fragment of its mediaeval ramparts enclosed, here and there, in an outline as scrupulously circular as that of a little town in a primitive painting.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

Combray, from a distance, for ten league around, seen from the railway when we arrived there the last week before Easter, was no more than a church summing up the town, representing it, speaking of it and for it into the distance, and, when one approached, holding close around its high dark cloak, in the middle of a field, against the wind, like a shepherdess her sheep, the woolly gray backs of the gathered houses, which a vestige of medieval ramparts girdled here and there with a line as perfectly circular as a small town in a primitive painting.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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2013/12/14 22:25




le14nov(le14nov) 於 2013-12-15 07:00 回覆:

總是要置之死地而後生,相信普普斯特很快就重獲新生了... 嘿嘿嘿


