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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—瑪德萊娜 (Madeleine) episode
2013/11/06 18:06:10瀏覽194|回應0|推薦10
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊瑪德萊娜 (Madeleine) episode
Et chaque caractère nouveau n’y étant que la métamorphose d’un caractère ancien, dans de petites boules grises je reconnaissais les boutons verts qui ne sont pas venus à terme ; mais surtout l’éclat rose, lunaire et doux qui faisait se détacher les fleurs dans la forêt fragile des tiges où elles étaient suspendues comme de petites roses d’or – signe, comme la lueur qui révèle encore sur une muraille la place d’une fresque effacée, de la différence entre les parties de l’arbre qui avaient été « en couleur » et celles qui ne l’avaient pas été – me montrait que ces pétales étaient bien ceux qui avant de fleurir le sac de pharmacie avaient embaumé les soirs de printemps. Cette flamme rose de cierge, c’était leur couleur encore, mais à demi éteinte et assoupie dans cette vie diminuée qu’était la leur maintenant et qui est comme le crépuscule des fleurs. Bientôt ma tante pouvait tremper dans l’infusion bouillante dont elle savourait le goût de feuille morte ou de fleur fanée une petite madeleine dont elle me tendait un morceau quand il était suffisamment amolli.
(éditions Gallimard, 1987)

追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

And as each new character is merely a metamorphosis from something older, in these little grey balls I recognised green buds plucked before their time; but beyond all else the rosy, moony, tender glow which lit up the blossoms among the frail forest of stems from which they hung like little golden roses—marking, as the radiance upon an old wall still marks the place of a vanished fresco, the difference between those parts of the tree which had and those which had not been ‘in bloom’—shewed me that these were petals which, before their flowering-time, the chemist’s package had embalmed on warm evenings of spring. That rosy candlelight was still their colour, but half-extinguished and deadened in the diminished life which was now theirs, and which may be called the twilight of a flower. Presently my aunt was able to dip in the boiling infusion, in which she would relish the savour of dead or faded blossom, a little madeleine, of which she would hold out a piece to me when it was sufficiently soft.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

And since here, each new characteristic was only the metamorphosis of an old characteristic, in some little gray balls I recognized the green buds that had not come to their term; but especially the pink luster, lunar and soft, that made the flowers stand out amid the fragile forest of stems where they were suspended like little gold roses-a sign, like the glow on a wall that still reveals the location of a fresco that has worn away, of the difference between the parts of the tree that had been “in color” and those that had not-showed me that these petals were in fact the same ones that, before filling the pharmacy bag with flowers, had embalmed the spring evenings. That candle-pink flame was their color still, but half doused and drowsing in the diminished life that was theirs now, and that is a sort of twilight of flowers. Soon my aunt would be able to dip into the boiling infusion, of which she savored the taste of dead leaf or faded flower, a small madeleine, a piece of which she would hold out to me when it had sufficiently softened.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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