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關於安東尼.伯吉斯的《發條橘子》 以「發條橘子」的知名度來說,原著小說的作者伯吉斯或許還比不上改編成電影的導演庫柏力克。不過,曾聽聞過《發條橘子》的自己,事實上對這兩人都相當陌生而且興趣缺缺。 但是,沒想到最近卻是因為讀了日本作家三上延的推理小說《古書堂事件手帖》,在第二集裡頭討論到有著不同結局版本的《發條橘子》,而決定開始閱讀這本奇特的小說。 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010505932 發條橘子 A CLOCKWORK ORANGE 作者: 安東尼.伯吉斯 原文作者:Anthony Burgess 譯者:王之光 出版社:臉譜 出版日期:2011/06/10 語言:繁體中文 內容簡介 台灣禁演長達30年的經典名片 大導演庫柏力克電影名作──《發條橘子》 同名原著小說,完整上市 本書描述一個生活在英國未來社會的問題少年,由於青春期的躁動,走上犯罪之路,做盡壞事。後來受到社會制裁,被剝奪自由意志;經過複雜的思想改造療程,他重新融入社會,意識到自己不過是上帝手中的一個發條橘子…… (本書增加了第二十一章,此章在作者原書中是存在的,但在1962年出版的美國版本及庫柏力克的電影中被刪去。此一版本以符合作者意願的形式,重現《發條橘子》之完整面貌。) 「接下來要玩什麼花樣呢?」 在《發條橘子》裡,故事主角亞歷克斯就是從這句話反覆展開他那搶劫、鬥毆、強暴,諸多倒行逆施、令人髮指的惡行。 很快地,他入獄服監並接受了古典制約理論的實驗治療,在治療過程中,亞歷克斯的自由思想遭到嚴重的箝制跟矯正,但他並未順理成章地改過向善,或是經歷一番放下屠刀立地成佛的頓悟,相反地,他只是遭到機械論道德觀加以改造而成為一顆空有生命的「發條橘子」。 「我想你的確是犯了罪,但刑罰實在不相稱。他們已經把你變成了非人的束西,你再也沒有選擇的權力。你已經委身於社會所接受的行為,成了只行善的小機器。這一點我看得一清二楚——不過是意識域邊緣的條件反射之類的事罷了。音樂、性行為、文學藝術,全都必須成為痛苦的來源,而不是快樂的源泉。」 (p.188) 這本小說原本想要談的或許只是某種反烏托邦 (dystopian)、深具道德悖論 (ethical dilemma) 的模擬寫實案例,但令人意外地,它卻因為美國出版商及導演庫柏力克堅持捨棄最後一章而產生不同的結局,這部分可以直接參考維基百科的資料: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clockwork_Orange Omission of the final chapter The book has three parts, each with seven chapters. Burgess has stated that the total of 21 chapters was an intentional nod to the age of 21 being recognised as a milestone in human maturation. The 21st chapter was omitted from the editions published in the United States prior to 1986. In the introduction to the updated American text (these newer editions include the missing 21st chapter), Burgess explains that when he first brought the book to an American publisher, he was told that U.S. audiences would never go for the final chapter, in which Alex sees the error of his ways, decides he has lost all energy for and thrill from violence and resolves to turn his life around (a slow-ripening but classic moment of metanoia—the moment at which ones protagonist realises that everything he thought he knew was wrong). At the American publishers insistence, Burgess allowed their editors to cut the redeeming final chapter from the U.S. version, so that the tale would end on a darker note, with Alex succumbing to his violent, reckless nature—an ending which the publisher insisted would be more realistic and appealing to a U.S. audience. The film adaptation, directed by Stanley Kubrick, is based on the American edition of the book (which Burgess considered to be "badly flawed"). Kubrick called Chapter 21 "an extra chapter" and claimed that he had not read the original version until he had virtually finished the screenplay, and that he had never given serious consideration to using it. In Kubricks opinion, the final chapter was unconvincing and inconsistent with the book. 儘管作者伯吉斯對於出版商以及庫柏力克恣意扭曲他的作品感到憤憤不平,不過還沒看過《發條橘子》的格友,不妨找來一讀,也來評價這兩個結局的優劣? 對對對,就是這樣的。青春必須逝去,沒錯的。而青春呢,不過是動物習性的演繹而已。不,與其說是動物習性,不如說是街頭地攤販售的小玩具,是鐵皮製的洋娃娃,內裝彈簧,外邊有發條旋鈕,吱吱吱扭緊,洋娃娃就走起來了,弟兄們哪。可它是直線行走的,走著走著就碰碰碰地撞到東西了,這是不由自主的呀。年紀輕,就好比是這種小機器啊。 我兒子,我兒子,等我有了兒子,一旦他長大懂事了,就要把這一切告訴他。但我知道,他不會懂事的,或者壓根兒不願意去懂,一意孤行要去重蹈我的覆轍,直至殺害與貓群相依為命的可憐老太婆,我實在無法加以制止。而他呢,也無法制止他的兒子去作奸犯科。如此周而復始,直到世界末日。周而復始,就像某位巨人,就像 (柯羅瓦奶品店所提供的) 上帝本人,用巨手轉著一個又髒又臭的橘子。 (p.222,第21章﹝最後一章﹞) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |