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1. A language-game: Report whether a certain body is lighter or darker than another.--But now theres a related one: State the relationship between the lightness of certain shades of colour. (Compare with this: Determining the relationship between the lengths of two sticks--and the relationship between two numbers.)--The form of the propositions in both language-games is the same: "X is lighter than Y". But in the first it is an external relation and the proposition is temporal, in the second it is an internal relation and the proposition is timeless.

2. In a picture in which a piece of white paper gets its lightness from the blue sky, the sky is lighter than the white paper. And yet in another sense blue is the darker and white the lighter colour. (Goethe). On the palette white is the lightest colour.

86. Cant we imagine people having a geometry of colours different from our normal one? And that, of course, means: can we describe it, can we immediately respond to the request to describe it, that is, do we know unambiguously what is being demanded of us?

The difficulty is obviously this: isnt it precisely the geometry of colours that shows us what were talking about, i.e. that we are talking about colours?

101. We have  prejudices with respect to the use of words.

102. When were asked "What do red, blue, black, white, mean?" we can, of course, immediately point to things which have these colours,--but thats all we can do: our ability to explain their meaning goes no further.

103. For the rest, either we have no idea at all, or a very rough and to some extent false one.

104. Dark and blackish are not the same concept.

106. Why is it that a dark yellow doesnt have to be perceived as blackish, even if we call it dark?

The logic of the concept of colour is just much more complicated than it might seem.

107. 兩個概念:「無光澤」與「發亮」。當我們想到「顏色」時,如果我們所想的是空間中某個點所具有的性質,那麼無光澤與發亮這兩個概念就跟顏色概念無關。
107. The concepts matt and shiny. If, when we think of colour we think of a property of a point in space, then the concepts matt and shiny have no reference to these colour concepts.

108. 關於顏色問題,我們想到的第一個「解決方法」就是,「純的」顏色概念與空間中的點或是細小至不可分的塊狀相關。問題:我們如何比較兩個這樣的點的顏色呢?僅靠我們將視線從一個點轉向另一個點嗎?或者是我們不去移動我們的注視方向,而是靠移動那個有色物體來讓我們比較其上兩點之間的不同?如果是後面這情況,我們怎麼知道這物體在移動過程中沒有改變顏色;如果是前面那情況,我們怎能確保兩個色點在比較時沒有受到色點周遭環境的影響?
108. The first solution which occurs to us for the problem of colours is that the pure colour concepts refer to points or tiny indivisible patches in space. Question: how are we to compare the colours of two such points? Simply by letting ones gaze move from one to the other? Or by moving a coloured object? If the latter, how do we know that this object has not changed colour in the process; if the former, how can we compare the coloured points without the comparison being influenced by what surrounds them?

133. I may have impressed a certain grey-green upon my memory so that I can always correctly identify it without a sample. Pure red (blue, etc.) however, I can, so to speak, always reconstruct. It is simply a red that tends neither to one side nor to the other, and I recognize it without a sample, as e.g. I do a right angle, by contrast with an arbitrary acute or obtuse angle.

135.顏色自然史(natural history)必須報導顏色在自然界中的展現,而不是它們的本質(essence)。顏色自然史中的命題必須是時間性的。
135. A natural history of colours would have to report on their occurrence in nature, not on their essence. Its propositions would have to be temporal ones.

248. There is indeed no such thing as phenomenology, but there are phenomenological problems.

323. "I see a tree", as the expression of the visual impression,--is this the description of a phenomenon? What phenomenon? How can I explain this to someone?

And yet isnt the fact that I have this visual impression a phenomenon for someone else? Because it is something that he observes, but not something that I observe.
The words "I am seeing a tree" are not the description of a phenomenon. (I couldnt say, for example, "I am seeing a tree! How strange!", but I could say: "I am seeing a tree, but theres no tree there. How strange!")

324. Or should I say: "The impression is not a phenomenon; but that L.W. has this impression is one"?


( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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