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【書摘】女逃亡者—阿爾貝蒂娜的出走 (Albertine's departure) 4-4
2020/12/06 08:54:49瀏覽213|回應0|推薦3
【書摘】女逃亡者阿爾貝蒂娜的出走 (Albertines departure) 4-4
Avant cela, quand il était encore attaché à elle, nous croyions que notre bonheur dépendait de sa personne.: il dépendait seulement de la terminaison de notre anxiété. Notre inconscient était donc plus clairvoyant que nous-même à ce moment-là en faisant si petite la figure de la femme aimée, figure que nous avions même peut-être oubliée, que nous pouvions connaître mal et croire médiocre, dans l’effroyable drame où de la retrouver pour ne plus l’attendre pourrait dépendre jusqu’à notre vie elle- même. Proportions minuscules de la figure de la femme, effet logique et nécessaire de la façon dont l’amour se développe, claire allégorie de la nature subjective de cet amour.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.16 追憶似水年華 VI 女逃亡者 聯經版 1992)

Before this, when it was still attached to her, we supposed that our happiness was dependent upon her presence; it depended merely upon the cessation of our anxiety. Our subconscious was therefore more clairvoyant than ourselves at that moment, when it made the form of the beloved woman so minute, a form which we had indeed perhaps forgotten, which we might have failed to remember clearly and thought unattractive, in the terrible drama in which finding her again in order to cease from expecting her becomes an absolutely vital matter. Minute proportions of the woman’s form, a logical and necessary effect of the fashion in which love develops, a clear allegory of the subjective nature of that love.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Before that, when these emotions and anxieties were still attached to her, we believed that our happiness depended upon her person: but it depended only on ending our anxiety. At that time, therefore, our unconscious was more clear-sighted than we were, reducing the beloved figure to such a small size, a figure which we ourselves had perhaps forgotten, which we might have known imperfectly and believed mediocre, in the terrible drama we enacted where our very lives might have depended on tracking her down in order to cease waiting for her. This scaling-down of the figure of the woman is a logical and necessary effect of the way in which love develops, a clear allegory of the subjective nature of this love.
(Translated by Peter Collier)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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