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試譯 "西子姑娘"
2015/04/13 00:05:17瀏覽1017|回應2|推薦7

Retiredbum notes: 

There in the last posting of mine 試譯 "飲湖上初晴後雨", the term "西子" reminded me of that beautiful song "西子姑娘".  Likewise, I tried to give it my renderings.  There you go:


西子姑娘     Lady Xizi

詞:傅清石 Lyric by Fu Qingshi

曲:劉雪庵   Music by Liu Xuean

英譯            Rendered by Retiredbum

柳線搖風曉氣清 Weeping willows quiver in bracing morning as breeze 

頻頻吹送機聲, constantly deliver the roaring echoes of airplane motors

春光綺旎不勝情 Gorgeous Spring is here on ground and romantic love fills the air

我如小燕君便似飛鷹, If I am like a swallow then you are like a hawk

輕渡關山千萬里  that can fly easily over the mountains and stretch to thousand miles away

一朝際會風雲, Once you snatch your prey youll be the man of hour

至高無上是飛行 so fly high up to the skies when you are young, my love

殷情期盼莫負好青春。 and I am earnestly hoping youll be my pride and joy.

鐵鳥威鳴震大荒  Ear-splitting sound out of the iron bird makes the vast earth trembling

為君親換征裳  I do help him put on his military garb for the mission

叮嚀無限記心房 and urge him again and again on everything

柔情千縷搖曳白雲鄉,the thread of my tenderness accompanies him to shuttling through clouds

天馬行空聲勢壯 like a winged-horse galloping in the skies, neighing

逍遙山色湖光,taking a birds-eye view over the scenery of our mother land

鵬程萬里任飛揚 without anything to restrain him from flying anywhere

人間天上比翼羨鴛鴦。 we are separate, but my heart follows his, like an enviable pair of lovebirds.    

春水粼粼春意濃 Waters ripple in the Lake and the Spring is coming

浣沙溪映花紅, azaleas blossom along the brook where Xishi used to do the laundry with

相思不斷筧橋東 my lingering thought of him keeps me looking  easterly dierection beyond Jianqiao Airport

幾番期待凝碧望天空,into the blue skies, searching for him with great expectations

一瞥飛鴻雲陣動 all of a sudden I catch a glimpse of the big "bird" out of clouds

歸程爭乘長風,Its him, returning home on the wing of wind!

萬花叢裡接英雄  Amid myriad of bouquets and battle hymn of victory

六橋三竺籠罩凱歌中。I welcome my hero back to me and to the West Lake! 

P.S. Please also see "西子姑娘陳燕婷的故事" at http://www.flyingtiger-cacw.com/new_page_457.htm

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2015/04/14 06:21

Yes, here you go.  《远去的飞鹰》, a 2011 TV drama.

朱亞文,playing 高志航,is one my most favorites.  Once he played 周恩來 in 《我们的法兰西岁月》,a 2012 TV drama。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-04-14 11:06 回覆:
Thanks a bunch! I owe you one, pal. BTW, I have to find myself some time to watch it.

2015/04/13 23:43

西子姑娘,是中華民國空軍軍歌之一。1946年是抗戰勝利後的一年,航空委員會更名空軍總司令部。整個抗戰時間,空軍官兵共犧牲4321人,出現許多動人 英雄事跡。為了發揮空軍軍魂,空軍司令部廣泛徵集空軍軍歌。最後選定空軍政治部主任簡樸作詞的《空軍軍歌》、陶偉生作詞的《保衛領空》,楊泓作詞的《永生的八一四》,葉逸凡作詞的《壯志淩霄》,傅清石作詞的《西子姑娘》為空軍軍歌,均由劉雪庵作曲。


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-04-14 01:25 回覆:
Those heros died for defending China, not just for KMT. Hence, I hope someday China's Mainland could also shoot a film like "Martyrs of Jianqiao".( I am not sure if there was any already.)