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試譯 踏雪尋梅
2015/01/25 04:02:07瀏覽527|回應1|推薦4

詞    劉雪庵

曲    黃自

英譯 Retiredbum



Snow is thawing and the sky is cloudless.   Plum blossoms of wintersweet spread their fragrance far and wide when my donkey rides me across the bridge over Ba River, amid ding-dong sound from its bells on neck.  Jingling, jingling, jingling.  Perfumed flowers cultivated in the bottles alongside the sound of my book-reading and music palying accompany me to spending happy hours together.   


Along the bumpy mountain trails, plum blossoms of wintersweet are standing in efflorescence on top of twigs,  All the way chilly winds blow amid ding-dong sound from the bells.  Jingling, jingling, jingling.  Mellow, balmy smell that intoxicates my mind and the secluded ambience that purifies my heart accompany me to spending happy hours together. 


Yellow wintersweets blossom in frosty and windy days.  The empty valley sends back mixed echoes of winds and the ding-dong sound from the bells.  Jingling, jingling, jingling.  An obsessive flower-lover like me wishes nothing but the flowers could forever accompany me to spending happy hours together.



Snow is thawing and the sky is cloudless.   Plum blossoms of wintersweet spread their fragrance far and wide when my donkey rides me across the bridge over Ba River. amid ding-dong sound from its bells on neck.  Jingling, jingling, jingling.  Perfumed flowers cultivated in the bottles alongside the sound of my book-reading and music palying accompany me spending happy hours together.   

P.S.  Yesterday someone emailed me a collection of photos taken at 九寨溝 in winter days.  The photograher names himself or herself as "騎驢", and the name and the photos remind me of said beautiful and idyllic song that almost every student of my age had been taught to sing it in preliminary schools.  There you go, the photos:  


> http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NjkyNzA4MQ==&mid=203635028&idx=1&sn=1c73d678c7b4afc45268876c2eae3c73&scene=1&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0#rd

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2015/01/25 10:39
This picture 『雪染九寨溝』 is from one of my earlier articles, 江山如此多嬌 (2012/09/06).        
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-26 03:26 回覆:
Yes, I remember that picturesque one. Thanks!