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試譯: 盼與寄
2016/07/08 13:17:30瀏覽487|回應0|推薦2

In this morning of the typhoon day, suddenly I thought of subject song sung by 蔡琴 and 潘安邦.  Then I had an impulse to translate it, and I did it.


Lyrics by: 周興立 

English rederings by: Retiredbum


我把想你的心 託給飄過的雲

I gave my heart that is full of thoughts of you to the clouds drifting by,
願我讚美的風 帶來喜悅的信

wishing the esteemed wind could bring me a delightful letter.

彈起相思的弦 低吟愛的詩篇

While strumming the strings of memories and crooning the verses of affections,
願藉心心相連 捎去想你的箋

howd I wish to deliver the note of my lovesickness to you through the ties of our hearts. 

P.S. I fumbled with the SOP of linking the song from Youtube to here, at last I "succeeded".  Such a poor little old dude as I!



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