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試譯 "月夜愁"
2018/11/11 13:14:27瀏覽822|回應1|推薦14



月色照在三線路 風吹微微 等待的人那未來

Zephyr kept blowing on the moonlit three-lane road; why was there still no trace of the loved one I was longing to see? 

心內真可疑 想昧出彼個人 啊~怨嘆月暝

Poor doubting me, wondering why he did not show up. Oh, how were these lamentable moonbeams still glowing? 

更深無伴獨相思 秋蟬哀啼 月光所照的樹影

Darkness encompassed the yearning and lonesome me, and the wailing cigadas were my companions. The shadow of trees beneath the moonlight only added to the sadness

加添阮傷悲 心頭酸目屎滴 啊~無聊月暝

to my distressed heart and tearful eyes.  Oh how were these tedious moonbeams still glowing?

敢是註定緣份 所愛的伊 因和乎阮放昧離

Dare I say our feeling of affinity came to an end, and my love had deserted me? 

夢中來相見 斷腸詩唱昧止 啊~憂愁月暝

I guess from now on I could only see him in my dreams with brokenhearted melodies endlessly playing.  Oh, how were these woebegone moonbeams still glowing?


P.S.  Just as the same as that of last time in Xinzhu,  yesterday in Miaoli we sang along with a guitar buff after lunch.  Subject was one of the songs.  FYI,  Mr Deng, the composer of the song, is a Chinese musician from Hakka, and now Miaoli is the largest Hakka dwelling place in Taiwan. 

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《月夜愁》;My Favorite, too.
2018/11/11 16:05

I also wrote previously on Deng Yuxian, 緬懷鄧雨賢 .

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-11-11 16:30 回覆:
Zhan! I learned from his biographies that during the late days of WWII, some of his marjor works were forced to be revised into Jap military songs, including the subject one, and he felt exasperated. Regretfully, he could not live long enough to see the takeover of Taiwan.

But I do not know why he also had a Japanese name 東田曉雨 and a pen name 唐崎夜雨 . I