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試譯: 長城謠
2016/03/05 09:57:39瀏覽648|回應1|推薦5

長城謠(Ode to Great Wall)

作曲:劉雪庵(Liu Xuean)

英譯 : Retiredbum  

萬里長城萬里長 長城外面是故鄉

O, see that magnificent long Great Wall, my hometown is tucked away somewhere outside your wall,

高梁肥 大豆香 遍地黃金少災殃

where fertile sorghum and sweet soybean abound every year,  along with the natural resources as well.

自從大亂平地起 姦淫擄掠苦難當

Ever since the tumult of war began, intolerable sufferings have raged through the place.

苦難當 奔他方 骨肉流散父母喪

Intolerable sufferings bring me painful parting from my blood relatives and grief of deceased parents, and make me flee from my hometown.

沒齒難忘仇和恨 日夜只想回故鄉

Such a rancor is unforgettable; day and night only have I had great yearning to go back. 
大家拚命打回去 那怕敵人逞豪強

Lets fight a hell-bent fight back on those sworn enemies against their brutalities.

萬里長城萬里長 長城外面是故鄉

O, see that magnificent long Great Wall, my hometown is tucked away somewhere outside your wall.

四萬萬同胞心一樣 新的長城萬里長

400 million fellow countrymen, let’s get together and be with one accord to build up our new Great Wall!        

P.S.  The motive that inspires me to translate this gripping song is I noticed the obituary from following reports of Ms. Zhou Xiaoyan(周小燕), the original and first vocalist who sang this song in public, passed away yesterday at 99.  Rest in peace, "China’s nightingale", you are simply the greatest! 




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reaizuguo*😻 哪吒
2016/03/05 14:41

周小燕說:我的學生工農兵都有,標準第一是愛國,第二愛音樂。  讚啦 

p.s.  她的學生廖昌永是我喜愛的名聲樂家之一。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-03-05 22:26 回覆:
Thank you for your information; now I know who is 廖昌永. (Well, what an ill-informed person I am!)