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試譯 魚玄機 冬夜寄溫飛卿(庭筠)
2025/01/20 11:17:17瀏覽292|回應0|推薦13

苦思搜詩燈下吟, Under the lamp I cudgeled my brains 

不眠長夜怕寒衾。For making poems in the sleepless night.

滿庭木葉愁風起, Leaves in yards drifted in the wind.

透幌紗窗惜月沈。 My moon was sinking outside the gauze.

疏散未閒終遂願,  The days slipped away by and by.

盛衰空見本來心。 I was yet to achieve through vicissitude.

幽棲莫定梧桐處, I havent found my peace of mind,

暮雀啾啾空繞林。 Like sparrows circling in the dusk woods.

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