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試譯 白居易 母別子
2025/01/17 08:51:40瀏覽323|回應0|推薦14

母別子,子別母, The wrench between the mother and kids

白日無光哭聲苦。 Their wailing had made the sun dull.

關西驃騎大將軍, Her husband was a high-ranking general,

去年破虜新策勳。 He was promoted last year by exploits

敕賜金錢二百萬    and bestowed two million taels of silver.

洛陽迎得如花人。 He married a gorgeous concubine from Luoyang.

新人迎來舊人棄, Adore the new and hate the old

掌上蓮花眼中刺。 Lotus on palms vs thorns in eyes

迎新棄舊未足悲, Not the worst when you jilted me.

悲在君家留兩兒。 My two boys concerned me the most.

一始扶行一初坐, A barely sitting baby and a toddler, 

坐啼行哭牽人衣。 Grasped my clothes, not letting me go.

以汝夫婦新燕婉, A happily newly-wedded couple as you were,

使我母子生別離。 Cruelly separated my children and me.

不如林中烏與鵲, You were even lower than the crows. 

母不失雛雄伴雌。 Females, the young, and males stayed together.

應似園中桃李樹, You were like the plum tree in gardens.

花落隨風子在枝。 Petals had fallen, leaving tiny fruits alone.

新人新人聽我語, New love, new love, listen to me.

洛陽無限紅樓女。 There are lots of beauties in Luoyang.

但願將軍重立功, May the general acquire another merit again.

更有新人勝於汝。 He must have another beautiful new love!

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