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2014/10/28 11:19:40瀏覽663|回應3|推薦4 | |
秋詩篇篇 Odes to Autumn 作詞:劉家昌 深秋楓又紅 Maple leaves are turning red again in late autumn 秋去留殘夢 我心付諸於流水 All of my affections have gone to the stream of no return 恰似落葉飄零 Just like for themselves the falling leaves mourn 轉眼之間 白雪遮晴空 In no time snowflakes envelope blue skies and sun 寒風襲嚴冬 Frigid wind blows as severe winter marches in 莫待櫻花盛開春來 Dont wait until spring when cheery blossoms flower again 再踏雪尋芳蹤 It would be too late to find her then.
P.S. Thanks for Reaizuguo*. I was inspired to translate the lyrics by his namesake work 秋詩篇篇. |
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