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2020/04/16 04:20:44瀏覽205|回應0|推薦2
這翻譯乃是引用於公元1611年國王詹姆斯欽定本, 翻譯者給讀者原始序言之段落。公元1611年, 英國仍然使用古英語寫作, 但是希望您可以閱讀並理解, 獲得益處。為了使翻譯順暢, 有一些添加或可能不那麼忠實於原稿, 如果有任何錯誤見諒之!
(Quote from King James Version 1611, Original preface, The translators to the readers )

There were also within a few hundreth yeeres after Christ, translations many into the Latine tongue: for this tongue also was very fit to convey the Law and the Gospel by, because in those times very many Countreys of the West, yea of the South, East and North, spake or understood Latine, being made Provinces to the Romanes. But now the Latine Translations were too many to be all good, for they were infinite (Latini Interpretes nullo modo numerari possunt, saith S. Augustine.) Againe they were not out of the Hebrew fountaine (wee speake of the Latine Translations of the Old Testament) but out of the Greeke streame, therefore the Greeke being not altogether cleare, the Latine derived from it must needs be muddie. This moved S. Jerome a most learned father, and the best linguist without controversie, of his age, or of any that went before him, to undertake the translating of the Old Testament, out of the very fountaines themselves; which hee performed with that evidence of great learning, judgement, industrie and faithfulnes, that he hath for ever bound the Church unto him, in a debt of speciall remembrance and thankefulnesse.


在主耶稣基督之後的幾百個世俗年頭裡,(希伯來文聖經)已經被翻譯成許多的拉丁文(版本):因為在那個時代裡, (坐落)在東西南北的許多國家, 直到羅馬帝國眾省, 說講或理解拉丁語是非常自然的; 因此這語言也很適合用來傳達(聖經的)律法和福音。

但是現在拉丁文的翻譯太多且良莠不齊,因為它們是無止境的(增長),(聖·奧古斯丁): 將這(現象)以拉丁文解釋為 "nullo modo numerari possunt": too many to be all good, 太多且良莠不齊)。再者,(被翻譯的舊約聖經)不是本於希伯來語的泉源(我們講的舊約是拉丁文來的翻譯,但它確是出於希臘語的源流,而希臘語又不是個完全純淨的語言。因此來自希臘語(翻譯成的)的拉丁語必定是混濁不清的。

這讓聖.杰羅米(S.Jerome)成為一個最學識淵博的先輩,甚至比那些在他之前, 及在同齡人中間, 最沒有爭議又最好的語言學家。 (他)從所有(聖經)資源的本身, 從事舊約聖經的翻譯。他表現出了極大的學習,判斷,敬業和信實的證據,且必永遠將自我捆綁於教會之中, 從而以特殊的紀念和誠懇的態度以為債務!

聖.杰羅米(S.Jerome, AD 347- AD 9/30/420), 他也被稱為 Jerome of Stridon, 是五世紀, 羅馬教會的一懺悔者, 拉丁神父,希伯來語專家, 神學家, 歷史學家。並且, 以為拉丁文為官方語言的梵帝岡教廷, 他把聖經從希伯來文翻譯成拉丁文。他出生於羅馬帝國達爾馬提亞省(Dalmatia)的史催敦(Stridon), 今波斯尼亞(Bosnia)處。

聖.杰羅米, 當他年輕的時候, 生活在青春的慾望中。直到有一天,他看到自己處於沒有永生希望的危險中! 終於悔改, 受洗。
聖.杰羅米引用羅馬帝國詩人維吉爾(Virgil)的話形容地獄的恐怖, 說:“恐怖四面八方蔓延;無比的寂靜使我的靈魂感到恐懼”(On all sides round horror spread wide; the very silence breathed a terror on my soul)。
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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