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2009/02/21 03:27:34瀏覽1412|回應1|推薦15 | |
桃園縣忠烈祠文化館的業務,週五下午有縣府的研考(審查)會議,因此,我去桃園做簡報....近午車進園區時停車場有細雨紛飛,進辦公室後大雨淋灕…. 較早時要去桃園,我在高速公路上聽北京兒童天使合唱團唱Home on the range…歌詞如下: 蔚藍色的天翡翠般的青山 山澗中的流水聲潺潺 回憶起兒時在這美麗家園 常常獨自徜徉百花間 啊我的家園我那山腰上的家園 當我歡欣或悲傷及厭煩 你總叫我無限地懷念 Oh, Give me a home, where the buffalo roam, Where the deer and the antelope play, Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the skies are not cloudy all day. Home, home on the range. Where the deer and the antelope play Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the skies are not cloudy all day. 斜陽向西墜蜻蜓池中點水 山間小鳥兒邊響邊飛 每當月初升吹來陣陣香味 常見流星滑過銀河界 啊我的家園,我那山腰上的家園 當我歡欣或悲傷及厭煩 你總叫我無限懷念 這首〈牧場的家園〉原曲是,約在1872年,由Dr.Brewster M. Higley寫的詩〈我在美國西部的家園〉;這曲子的歌詞,在1904和1910年各被局部改寫過一次。原詩為: Oh, give me a home where the Where the Deer and the Antelope play; Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the sky is not cloudy all day. A home! A home! Where the Deer and the Antelope play, Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the sky is not clouded all day. Oh! give me a land where the bright diamond sand Throws its light from the glittering streams, Where glideth along the graceful white swan, Like the maid in her heavenly dreams. Oh! give me a gale of the Solomon vale, Where the life streams with buoyancy flow; On the banks of the Beaver, where seldom if ever, Any poisonous herbage doth grow. How often at night, when the heavens were bright, With the light of the twinkling stars Have I stood here amazed, and asked as I gazed, If their glory exceed that of ours. I love the wild flowers in this bright land of ours, I love the wild curlew's shrill scream; The bluffs and white rocks, and antelope flocks That graze on the mountains so green. The air is so pure and the breezes so fine, The zephyrs so balmy and light, That I would not exchange my home here to range Forever in azures so bright. Brewster M. Higley醫生出生於俄亥俄州,後遷居堪薩斯州。這首詩最早是發表在《拓荒者》(1873,史密斯郡,堪薩斯州),標題是Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Buffalo Roam;被譜曲後,由拓荒移民、牧牛者和各種人在美國各處,以各種版本流傳。1947年,這首歌被指名為堪薩斯的州歌;一般而言,這首歌也被認為是美國大西部的讚美詩歌。 更早之時,在我開車上高速公路前,在路旁看到一家新開的店面(辦公室),看它門面上新貼的臨時海報,是籌備中的外勞仲介公司....這是我第一次看到這種外勞仲介公司的招牌....如此不景氣而有更大量台灣人失業時,竟然還有人想引進外勞,讓我看了訝異…讓我更訝異的是,我忽然想起這種外勞仲介業務,相關有些台灣人的祖先….一百年後的臺灣人中有許多人的祖先是菲律賓、印尼、越南人…當然,還有相對的更新來的大陸人…這外勞仲介業務竟然也是台灣人祖先的仲介業務,源遠流長已有三、四百年… 某一個台灣人的祖先,就說是乾隆28年5月間吧…他的仲介者是一個算命仙,他繳了 今天晚上在msn遇友人(中文系),閒聊以上所寫這些事,玩笑說中文只能如此寥寥數語….回顧廈門諸山,散若斷雲…不復有…空決飛鳥…以表現鄉愁,但,也更加顯現台灣人諸祖先無語問蒼天的旅愁…. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |