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吃* 幸福肥
2013/05/16 00:37:42瀏覽115|回應0|推薦5

I don't have courses on wednesday afternoon, so I usually take time cooking some easy dishes in the dorm, which will become my next two or three meals' content. 

However, I only need to boil some 油菜 and saute several vegitables today, because I have just brought some tasty special dishes from home. 

These were my lunch content: Pork Belly with Mustard Greens(梅干扣肉), braised bamboo shoot, multigrain and rice, butter stir-fried Needle mushroom and carrot and onion, and vegitable soup.

So healthy, so luxury! And as high tea, I ate Malaysian monk bean pastry with 3-in-1 Latte givin by BigBigGrey. Oh, almost forgot the tomatoes from home, I ate them as frequent as drinking water =ˇ=


As to dinner, I went to 阿英's with BigBigGrey. I ordered "bula fish congee", less rice but more vegitable. 阿英 sells the most delicious seafood congee in the world, their soup is so tasty that I always finish all the soup first then start to eat the "rice" in the congee得意

We wandered to the bakeries nearby. Visiting bakeries and have a heart-satisfied smell of bread almost become our routine after dinner. BBG show me what he bought earlier. It was my favorite specialty of Keelong, the smashed taro ball from 連珍糕餅舖.


Dad called me just then. He asked me whether I want some "Beef tongue cake" from uncle. 

Suddenly, I had a strange feeling. Who am I? Howcome can I get the consideration from these kind people? I must share my hapiness with others. I should prey, I should take good bite on the delicacies. I should embrace the still-unknown meaning of these events.

It's not a big deal that there are always trifles happen everday, because nothing  is more important than beloved.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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