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悶* 小福怡客不宜客
2013/05/19 23:00:06瀏覽128|回應0|推薦3

It's really muggy today. The temperature was 28 degrees even at night, and it was windless. 

I couldn't keep a good mood too long under this condition without air conditioner or fan. I'll  become short-tempered soon and fall sleepy. 

This morning was quite fine, but it started to go wrong after the lunch at Subway. I had enough of searching a lot of useless or even incorrect information about the solar system on the Internet, since there is too much politic colors in this issue. I kept eating and eating, avoiding clicking on one new site after one.

Dinner was something about to stale in the refrigerator. I have a strong stomach, so never mind. I went to IKARI with P attempting to find a relax place studying for tomorrow's Deutsch quiz. However, the clerk had a super-terrible face  that it seemed like someone had punched right in his nose. He not only put down everything with a loud sound, but took our order in a really rude manner.

P was beside me, so I try hard to keep smiling. But had already lost every motivation to study. 

I know I am too emotional(or sentimental?)today, so I typed down these trivial things in order to collect my thoughts(make a self-examination).


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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