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悶* 努力,不一定有收穫
2013/05/20 22:47:36瀏覽176|回應1|推薦2

I was failed on my Deutsch test today. Not because I didn't study for it, in fact, I had been working on the chapter for the whole last night, and I got up earlier than usual this morning in order to take a quick review.

However, I forgot that the range of this test is more than just chapter sixteen, but also the additional list of phrases. Consequently, I was doomed to loose thirty points before the test.

I dropped some tears, but wiped it immediately. I called God my father, I asked him to lend me his power, I begged him to tell me that it wasn't a big deal.

I didn't have the mood to study, so I baked a ryebread, which contained forty percents of multi grains, such as rye,whole wheat, ground pumpkin seeds and oats. It was partly burned, and was too hard. I don't know what's the problem, cause I had tried four times and four different reciepes, but in the end got the same results. Maybe the yeast is enervative, that is the only most possible reason I could think of.

I also made up for my food diaries for last four days.

I had eaten lots of bread and dessert! Drawing them made me calm down and happy. I believe, that tomorrow will be a brand new day!

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Joy 新君兒
2013/05/21 17:44
Hi Greenemerl
It is good to form a habit of prayer.
Wish you doing well next time.
 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of
those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -
 Romans 8:28 .