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悶* the unknown rage
2013/05/23 23:33:35瀏覽91|回應0|推薦5

After dinner, I suddenly felt terribly despaired, furious and could't hold my tears. I was so tired, my body had been continuing screaming for exhaustion. I couldn't sleep well at night recently. and it do influence my energy and mood. 

But I couldn't imagine that I just bruised my arm on purpose, in order to relieve the volcano in my body. I also sent P lots of mean and rude words, intend to make myself easier by hurting him. Hoecome!!!?

And I am craving for meat these few days. 

Above all those strange behaviors, I made myself a possible reason. Maybe it's because I ate too much rotted food or burned food. And I had been telling myself to put up with the desire for some food, just for fear that the food in my refrigerator will go bad.

Why can I being afraid at so many things! It's insane..........

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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