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病* 不暈針了!!
2013/05/16 22:20:45瀏覽95|回應0|推薦0

I had an appointment at the department of gynecology at National Taiwan University Hospital this morning, so I left my Deutschkurs five minutes earlier to catch the school bus.

I'd never been to NTU Hospital before, and was impressed by the building so much, which was similar to some middle-age historical sites in the movies. The volunteered service staff were completely nice and umformative (some are handsome, too) that I could find the department without second problem.

NTU hospital is so expensive! I only did some conversation (about one minute) and hade a blood test, then 460NTD was gone......痛哭If it were not for my ability to have a baby, I won't do this......(not be bothered by periods is really convenient>U<)

After the examination, I had my lunch at the B1 food market with my mom. Mom bought me a "salted-grilled chub mackerel(薄鹽鯖魚) bento", while she herself only ordered a "soy sauce soup(紅燒湯)" because she had a tea time at 2:30. The bento was so delicious and colorful that I got a good appetite and finish it all. 

Since the class in the afternoon was so boring, I asked my mom whether I could go take a walk with her to the baffet place. On the road, we had visited about five bakeries, included new-opened GAKUDEN and my favorite "Boite de Bijou(珠寶盒)". The latter one had been renovated until may1st. We bought 哈薩克 at 禾楓bakery and Ciabatta at Boite de Bijou.

Oh, mom also bought a "Deutsch egg tart"(I don't quite understand the link between this pastry and germany........) as our aftermeal dessert : ) The chocolate-flavor tart crust is realy crunchy that I devoured it in no more than ten seconds@@"

As for dinner, 明賢brought Pizza and brownie and fried seafood-balls to BBG and me. BBG suggested that we had a picnic at the playgroung. As a result, we munched on those savory foods while lots of people kept burning calories =ˇ=

I enjoyed these leisurely times with my friends and family. I believed this will become the power for me to keep up studying hard but not feeling alone.


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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