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吃* 三隻小豬之慢慢進食
2013/05/13 22:39:23瀏覽96|回應0|推薦2

Having course on eight, I have rare time to prepare a breakfast like sandwich. (washing lettice, boiling egg, or even toasting bread can make me late for class......)

As a result, I usually have my first meal of a day quite simple. For example, sweet bean bread with 2-in-1 coffee, bagel with 3-in-1 coffee, whole-wheat bread with seasame butter or berry jam, sometimes even just bought out. I try hard to avoid eating out because I want to make the breakfast slow and lightly.

Brought this fabulous bread from home, which was bought by Mick on Friday, I was so anxious about how to keep it fresh and how to avoid it becoming moldy, that I can't without a minute not thinking about biting it last night. Therefor, I put a thick slice in a sealed bag and left it on my dest, with whistle, then go up to sleep.

I had the bread plain, and enjoyed it with my giraffe. Without making my eyes busy, I keep my mind blank and finally spent ten minutes finishing the bread!

The eating proccess surely made me more relax on this possibly damn monday!笑

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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