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家* mother's day in God
2013/05/12 20:46:41瀏覽67|回應0|推薦1

The plum rain has poured though the Mother's day weekend. So stuffy, so inconvenient. 

I left Taipei before the rush hour, and met Dad after forty-five minutes. Poor Mick took on the bus on the exactly off-work pick, as a result spending more then three hours to get home, which was about at nine.

I made some easy dinner with Dad. I ruined a 尼羅河紅魚 by shoveling its skin哭. While Dad had already chopped one papaya and one yellow watermelon!

Mom's mushroom and chicken soup was fabulous that Mick and I ate a lot.

After dinner was I busy finishing the card in Mick's room. I had a anxious desire to chat with him on our daily-life topics, such as,"Hey, what's up?", or "Have you ever find yourself a girlfriend?". Until Mom got home, I still hadn't competed my card yet. Without second thought, i shout behind the door,"Mom, you can't come in Mick's room, or I'll hate you forever!" I forgot that Mom hadn't seen her son today yet.


On Saturday morning, we enjoyed Tina's organic pumpkin whole-wheat bread and 三芝小豬's well-known cheese cakes. Mick bought guava and three-kind-of-chocolate flavour. I stored them wrongly last night so they tasted like pudding. Thanks God my family still love them very much.(or they simply love the atmosphere of all the members sat around having "breadfast"?)

We took a trip to 北埔 after the late breakfast under my continuosly desire for 擂茶. The heavy rain chased all the tourists away, that's why we could leisurely tasting those mouth-watering Hakka gourmets one stand by one stand, and bought a lot in the end哩

Same seat as before in the same Tea shop. It's a six-peoeple Japanese room but now contained only four. We sat there almost three hours, intaking too much sugar and hapiness. In the meanwhile, rain stopped and poured and stopped over and over again.


We then drove to 內灣, hoping to meet Fireflies by chance. A stand keeper told us that we were so lucky because fireflies wouldn't be bothered by the ugly rain just an hour before. His word encouraged me and suddenly I felt the fried 野薑花 mom gave me was so,so delicious.

Last time i had ever seen a firefly was almost ten years ago, accordingly I couldn't clearly remember how their lights looked like. After a couple minutes of hiking, I couldn't help "auh!" when I saw a slowly sparking light in the deep place of a bush.

Kept walking forward, more and more fireflies appeared. The whole hill seemed like silks of night sky, which decorated with lots of strong but tiny lights. The scene was so touching that I wished to stay still on the road. However, dark is fireflies' protectionmy but enemy . I grabbed Dad's bag and hold Mom's right hand tightly, as the road in front of us gradually fall dim. 

When we finally got home, we were all nearly exhausted. But mom still went into kitchen immediately, because both my borther and I want to take her special dish, stir-fried bamboo shoots back to school. We also had some for the late night supper.

Oh, thanks God, I was so blessed for growing up in my family. I was everyday beloved, even though most of the time I wasn't aware of. Hope God can lead me, to feel thankful for all the events happened on me.

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