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吃* 三隻小豬之親愛肉桂
2013/05/15 00:18:54瀏覽73|回應0|推薦3

It's my turn to prepare breakfast for Honey this tuesday. At first, I thought to make a cinnamon cheese toast, but feeling somehow a little unsuitable, as one is sweet and the other is smoky and salty. BigGrey confirmed my concern, that made me a little stressed(unreasonable).

Before sleep, I lie down trying to feel relaxed, and discuss with myself howcome I could so easy to feel stressed. 

It was because of my self-concern. I wanted to have cinnamon but considered it too much calorie. I wanted to have a shot at making cinnamon pizza but afraid that Honey wouldn't accept it. 

I am used to busy finding problems to bother me, that's the reason why I could barely find peace.

Realizing the reason, a voice suddenly happened on me: "You can seperate the cinnamon one into two, then the calorie could be cut into half!" and then, I can make a vegitarian pizza, healthy and colorful.

Blessed with the sudden idea, I quickly fall asleep.

Haven't opened my text book for a week. It's definitely not good for my score, however I felt myself be filled up, and I know I can cover them whenever I want. Maybe this is what mom said "listening to your heart desire"? 

As a result, I took a big bite on Malaysian monk bean cake at the late night, which was brought to me by BigGrey. I felt purely satisfied.

Next step, I should learn not to be too depending on  Facebook or any other Social Networking Sites , since they're not real. They can't give me peace and satisfy. Only God is real, only he is unchangable and willing to accept any of my black mood when I am craving for comfort.

I want to let my daily activities become the honor for God, I want myself to be simple, just like his love for me.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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