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吃* 法國蘋果派與加州檸檬派
2013/05/17 23:42:04瀏覽224|回應0|推薦9

I was given lots of miracle today, that I was not able to leave it past. 

First of all, I had a wonderful start this morning. My phone bell rang before sun light shine in. It wasn't a good wake-up scene, but BBG's embrace quite down my blue mood. He then whispered to me in a sleepy voice:"There's something for you in the fridge......"

It was an apple tart from Nuit pâtissier. BBG's friend brought it to BBG at two o'clock in the late night, when I was already fall deeply asleep. I took two bites at the front part and the back part. It's filling wasn't impressing enought, only sweet and smooth butter-and-sugar smell. However, the pie crust was so crunchy and had a lovely fragrant! I couldn't help smacking my lips, try hard not to take another bite, or BBG will see an empty box and a fat girlfriend later.


I arrived at the classroom at eight. I quickly took a seat and open my breakfast bag, then gracefully started enjoying my strawberry jam and black olives rye bread.


After four continuous courses, I was totally tired out. I walked back to the dorm slowly. The sun was so strong, that as soon as I enter the room I took a guava from the refrigerator and without second thought gave it a big bite! Cool string flew through my burned limbs and I felt recovered!

I then made myself a simple stewed vegetable gratin, ate it with a slice of Ciabatta. After-meal dessert was nougart and handmade cookie, with cold sweet tea.

I tried not to forget thanking to God for his kindness. But I failed most of the time. I should talk to him if I want myself being all-time satisfied. 


At dinner time, BBG rode me to 瑞安街, a street full of dinning places and high-class autos which I had never been to. We dine at 嘰嘰喳喳. I ordered salted fish set, while BBG preferd chinese red date and chicken soup set. They had a peaceful aura, and BBG was surprised that they played 中島美嘉's latest album! We had a slowwwwwwwwwwww dining pace and fully enjoy the relax of little weekend.

After dinner we took a walk. We visited a organic food store and a shop selling southeastern food. We excitedly discovered a fabulous dessert stand, called 加州風味小廚. We ordered their last piece of Lemon eggwhite tart. Oh, I couldn't precisely describe its flavour, but the sour-and-sweet taste made me feel like sipping iced lemonade under a sunshade by a bay, and the breeze was fairly soft and gentle.


Keep mounting on "Three Idiots"笑

( 休閒生活美食 )
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