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2011/11/01 10:12:28瀏覽856|回應10|推薦75 | |
在無垠的沙漠中孤獨著走著 To wonder alone in the boundless desert 起點 被冷漠的颶風拋在腦後 The beginning long since swept away by ruthless gusts 終點 在茫茫遙遠的天宇 The destination, in a distance horizon 風凜洌如尖刀 夜漆黑似碳墨 Bladed winds, night black as ink 脚下無路 No path to tread 用堅定的心志,為黑夜踩響深谷幽鳴 With steely determination, let one's stride echo in the deep valleys 心中有願 In the heart 從跋涉的那天起,把生命交給遠方的綠舟 From the first day, give one's life to a far off oasis 終於, 跋涉者們彼此相識, 匯在一起向前湧動 At last, pilgrims meet and exchange mutual encouragement 那些迎面而來的终點,又將成為新的起點 The destination shall soon again become a new starting point 漫漫長路在跋涉者的腳下延伸… Extended by the feet of pilgrims...
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |