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2011/10/06 11:34:34瀏覽590|回應13|推薦77 | |
辛亥百年 Xinhai revolution 100th anniversary
時值辛亥百年, 回想~ 先烈歷經十次革命 如浪潮般地洶湧壯闊, 死事之慘,以辛亥年三月二十九日之役為最。 然是役也,碧血橫飛,浩氣四塞,草木為之含悲,風雲變色; 久蟄怨怒,為之澎湃,不半載,武昌革命成功, 推翻了滿清,建立亞洲第一個民國共和國。
國父從事革命,立身行事足以千秋; 歷史上可歌可泣的記錄, 其大無畏精神與風範長留人間。 緬懷先烈,創立民國的精神, 找到生存的價值, 就是自由與民主。 值此辛亥百年, 要細細地回首,真誠地檢視; 自由雖有成,民主仍須努力, 堅定信心,迎向光明未來!
The Xinhai revolution 100th anniversary is coming, looking back.. After Ten times battles the revolution martyr rose up, ferocious as the wave. Tragic death, such as that of 29/March Xinhai year, the war will be best rembered. It was war, littered with blood, the air stale, the woods saddened, the winds changed; the growing rage, the greatness, uncompromising, finished the Wu-Chan revolution. Overthrew the Chin Dynasty, and build the first republic in Asia. Our forefather has left his name in history He is truly one worthy of praise, having left behind a legacy of selfless greatness. In remembrance of early revolutionaries that create the republic spirit, having found the true value of life in freedom and democracy. Such a Xinhai revolution 100th anniversary, one needs to reflect with sincerity. Though we have freedom, but democracy still needs improvement; stand strong and meet the brighter tomorrow.
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |