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泰戈爾「漂鳥集」(四):121-160 節
2011/03/06 17:26:35瀏覽3728|回應0|推薦7

121. 在我自己的世界中,我竟帶進了那些曾誇躍於這消逝的世界中的東西。
I carry in my world that flourishes the worlds that have failed.

122. 親愛的朋友,每當我在這深沉黃昏的海灘上靜聽浪濤的聲音時,我總感覺到你偉大思想的沉默。
Dear friend, I feel the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on this beach when I listen to these waves.

123. 鳥以為把魚高舉在空中是一種慈善的舉動。
The bird thinks it is an act of kindness to give the fish a lift in the air.

124. 夜對太陽說道:「請將你的情書託月亮帶給我。」
"In the moon thou sends thy love letters to me," said the night to the sun.
"I leave my answers in tears upon the grass."

125. 偉人是一個天生的孩子;當他死去時,他把偉大的童年留給了世界。
The Great is a born child; when he dies he gives his great childhood to the world.

126. 並非是鐵槌的擊打,而是流水的妙舞歡唱才使得鵝卵石臻於完美。
Not hammer strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.

127. 蜜蜂從花中吸取花蜜,離開時向花朵嗡嗡道謝。
Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.
The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.

128. 當你不想等待以說出完整的真理時,凱凱而談其實是很簡單的。
To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.

129. 「可能」問「不可能」說:「你住在甚麼地方?」
Asks the Possible to the Impossible, "Where is your dwelling place?"
"In the dreams of the impotent," comes the answer.

130. 如果你把所有的錯誤都關在門外,真理也同時被撇棄了。
If you shut your door to all errors truth will be shut out.

I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart,--I cannot see them.

132. 在動作中的閒暇便是工作;海水的靜止在波濤裡翻驣。
Leisure in its activity is work.
The stillness of the sea stirs in waves.

133. 綠葉戀愛時便成了花,花敬拜上帝時便成了果實。
The leaf becomes flower when it loves.
The flower becomes fruit when it worships.

134. 地底下的樹根使樹枝豐饒結果,卻不求任何回報。
The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful.

135. 在這飄著雨的黃昏,風吹不止。
This rainy evening the wind is restless.
I look at the swaying branches and ponder over the greatness of all things.

136. 午夜的暴風雨,猶如一個在夜裡被驚醒的巨嬰,開始玩鬧喊叫起來。
Storm of midnight, like a giant child awakened in the untimely
dark, has begun to play and shout.

137. 噢,海啊,妳這個暴風雨中孤獨的新娘,就算捲起波濤來追隨情人也是枉然
Thou raises thy waves vainly to follow thy lover. O sea, thou lonely bride of the storm.

138. 言語對行為說:「我為自己的空虛感到慚愧。」
"I am ashamed of my emptiness," said the Word to the Work.
"I know how poor I am when I see you," said the Work to the Word.

139. 時間是變化的財富,但時鐘在它拙劣的模仿中只見變化而不見財富。
Time is the wealth of change, but the clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth.

140. 真理穿著「事實」的外衣而覺得行動不便。
Truth in her dress finds facts too tight.
In fiction she moves with ease.

141. 過去當我在四處飄迫時,路啊,我曾厭倦過妳。但現在,當妳引導我到各個地方時,我卻在愛中於妳結縭了。
When I travelled to here and to there, I was tired of thee, O Road, but now when thou leads me to everywhere I am wedded to thee in love.

142. 讓我思索著,在眾星之中,必有一顆能引導我的生命通過那不可知的黑暗。
Let me think that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown.

143. 婦人啊,當妳用恩慈之手輕觸我的一切,它們便條理分明宛如一首樂曲。
Woman, with the grace of your fingers you touched my things and order came out like music.

144. 有一個哀傷的聲音築巢在消逝的歲月裡。
One sad voice has its nest among the ruins of the years.
It sings to me in the night,--"I loved you."

145. 燃燒的火焰,以她的炙熱警告我別靠近她。
The flaming fire warns me off by its own glow.
Save me from the dying embers hidden under ashes.

146. 我有群星在天上, 
I have my stars in the sky,
But oh for my little lamp unlit in my house.

147. 死去的文字如塵土沾在你身上。 
The dust of the dead words clings to thee.
Wash thy soul with silence.

148. 生命裡留了許多罅隙,從中飄進了死亡的哀樂。
Gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death.

149. 世界早已在清晨敞開了它光輝照耀的心。 
The world has opened its heart of light in the morning.
Come out, my heart, with thy love to meet it.

150. 我的思想隨著這些閃耀的綠葉而閃耀;我的心靈因著日光的撫摸而歌唱; 
My thoughts shimmer with these shimmering leaves and my heart sings with the touch of this sunlight; my life is glad to be floating with all things into the blue of space, into the dark of time.

151. 上帝偉大的能力是藏在柔和的微風裏,而非狂風暴雨中。
God's great power is in the gentle breeze, not in the storm.

152. 這是一個夢,在其中所有東西都是散漫而且壓迫著。
This is a dream in which things are all loose and they oppress.
I shall find them gathered in thee when I awake and shall be free.

153. 「誰要承接我的職務呢?」落日問。
"Who is there to take up my duties?" asked the setting sun.
"I shall do what I can, my Master," said the earthen lamp.

154. 摘取花瓣無法收集到花的美麗。
By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.

155. 沉默能照顧保護妳的聲音,正如鳥巢托住睡眠中的鳥兒。
Silence will carry your voice like the nest that holds the sleeping birds.

156. 「偉大」無懼與「微小」同行。「中等」卻避而遠之。
The Great walks with the Small without fear.
The Middling keeps aloof.

157. 夜晚偷偷地使花綻放,而讓白日得到別人的感謝。
The night opens the flowers in secret and allows the day to get thanks.

158. 權力把受害者的痛苦視為一種忘恩負義的表現。
Power takes as ingratitude the writhing of its victims.

159. 當我們喜悅於自己的豐滿之時,我們便能喜樂地離開我們的果實了。
When we rejoice in our fullness, then we can part with our fruits with joy.

160. 雨水親吻著大地並低聲說道:「母親,我們是妳想家的孩子,現在正從天上回到妳的身旁。」
The raindrops kissed the earth and whispered,--"We are thy
homesick children, mother, come back to thee from the heaven."


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