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41. 樹木,彷彿是來自大地的渴慕,正踮著腳尖向著天堂窺探。

The tree, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven


42. 你微笑卻甚麼都沒對我說,然而我卻覺得我已經為此等了好久好久…

You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


43. 水中的魚恬靜,陸上的動物喧鬧,空中的鳥兒正在歌唱;


The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air

Is singing. But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air.


44. 這世界摧迫著倉惶的心弦,要使她發出憂傷的樂曲。

The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness.


45. 他將自己的武器視做他的神明;當他的武器戰勝之時,他也就被自己所打敗。

He has made his weapons his gods.

When his weapons win he is defeated himself.


46. 上帝從創造中找到自我。

God finds himself by creating.


47. 影子披著她的面紗,神祕地,輕柔地,以她靜謐之愛的步履,追隨於陽光之後。

Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness, with her silent steps of love.


48. 群星不怕以螢火蟲的形象出現。

The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies


49. 感謝上帝,我不是屬於權利的巨輪,而是與被這巨輪碾碎的生靈同在。

I thank thee that I am not of the wheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that are crushed by it.


50. 心思敏銳卻視野狹隘的人,執著於細微末節而不知前進。

The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.


51. 你的偶像碎散在塵埃之中,證明上帝的塵埃還遠大過你的偶像。

Your idol is shattered in to dust to prove that God’s dust is greater than your idol


52. 人在他生命的歷程中難以展露他自己,只是不斷地掙扎向前。

Man does not reveal himself in his history, he struggles up through it


53. 玻璃燈因為瓦燈與它稱兄道弟兒責備瓦燈。



While the glass lamp rebukes the earthen for calling its cousin, the moon rises,

And the glass lamp, with a bland smile,

Call her,---My dear,dear sister.


54. 如同海鷗與海浪,我們彼此相遇,然後親近;當海鷗飛走而海浪也席捲而去,


Like the meeting of seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.

The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart


55. 我一日的工作已然成全,我像一艘被拖上岸的小船,靜靜地傾聽向晚潮汐的舞樂。

My day is done, and I am like a boat drawn on the beach,

listening to the dance-music of the tie in the evening


56. 生命是上蒼所賜與的,惟有獻出生命我們才能得到它。

Life is given to this, we earn it by giving it.


57. 我們在真正的謙卑時才最接近於真正的偉大。

We come nearest to the great when we are great in humanity.


58. 麻雀為孔雀沉重的屏尾而替它覺得可憐。

The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail.


59. 絕不要害怕「剎那」---它是如此地吟唱著永恆的聲音。

Never be afraid of the moments---thus sings of voice of the everlasting.


60. 颶風在無路可走的時後尋求最短的路程,但不知在何處突然終止了它的尋求。

The hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no-road, and suddenly ends its search in the Nowhere.


61. 請就著我的酒杯,飲了我的酒吧!朋友。

Take my wine in my own cup, friend.
It loses its wreath of foam when poured into that of others.


62. 「完美」為了表示對「不完美」的愛戀而把自己裝飾成為美麗的樣子。
The Perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect.


63. 上帝對人說道:「我醫治你,所以我傷害你;我愛你,所以我要懲罰你。」
God says to man, "I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish."


64. 要感謝火焰所給的光明,但不要忘記那持著燈的人,他一直都忍耐地站在黑影之中。
Thank the flame for its light, but do not forget the lampholder standing in the shade with constancy of patience.


65. 小草啊,妳的腳步雖小,但是你擁有你腳下的大地。
Tiny grass, your steps are small, but you possess the earth under your tread.


66. 初開小花綻放她的蓓蕾而哭喊著:「親愛的世界啊!請不要凋零!」
The infant flower opens its bud and cries, "Dear World, please do not fade."


67. 上帝會對龐大的帝國日生厭煩,但從不會這樣對一朵小花。
God grows weary of great kingdoms, but never of little flowers.


68. 「錯誤」經不起暫時的挫敗,但正確卻可以。
Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.


69. 瀑布歌唱著:「雖然口渴的人只需要一瓢水,但我還是滿心愉悅地給予我的所有。」
"I give my whole water in joy," sings the waterfall, "though little of it is enough for the thirsty."


70. 那無止境的狂熱源頭在哪裡呢?它將這些花朵拋擲而出(到這個世上)
Where is the fountain that throws up these flowers in a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy?


71. 樵夫的斧頭向樹乞求它的斧柄,樹便給它了。
The woodcutter's axe begged for its handle from the tree.
The tree gave it.


72. 這個黃昏彷彿一個寡婦般披戴著著霧與雨的面紗,在我孤寂的心裏,我感覺到她的嘆息。

In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain.


73. 貞潔是從豐沛的愛中所生的財富。
Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.


74. 霧,像愛情一樣,在心的山丘上遊戲,變化出許多美麗的驚奇。
The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and brings out surprises of beauty.


75. 我們誤解了這世界,卻說她欺騙了我們。
We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.


76. 風之詩人穿越過海洋與森林,為要尋找他自己的歌聲。
The poet wind is out over the sea and the forest to seek his own voice.


77. 每一個孩子的出生都帶著一個訊息,就是上帝並未對人類徹底失望。
Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.


78. 綠草尋求她在地上的朋友,樹木尋找他天空中的寂寞。
The grass seeks her crowd in the earth.
The tree seeks his solitude of the sky.


79. 人類阻擋了自己的道路。
Man barricades against himself.


80. 我的朋友,妳的聲音繚繞在我的心裡,就像是海水的低吟繚繞在傾聽的松林。
Your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like the muffled sound of the sea among these listening pines.

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