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泰戈爾「漂鳥集」(六):201-240 節
2010/11/04 09:23:42瀏覽5557|回應13|推薦1

《漂鳥集》的重新翻譯已經接近尾聲。歡迎讀者一起分享您覺得最有感動的幾節詩句。讓大師的智慧與文學藝術能在我們匆忙的現代生活中多停留一些些時間吧!  道維已將這一部分個人最喜愛的幾句詩列在最後,與大家分享。




201. 黃蜂覺得牠的鄰居蜜蜂所住的蜂巢太小了,

The wasp thinks that the honey-hive of the neighboring bees is too small.
His neighbours ask him to build one still smaller.


202. 河岸對河水說:「我無法留住你的波浪。」

"I cannot keep your waves," says the bank to the river.

"Let me keep your footprints in my heart."


203. 白晝時,這小小地球上的喧鬧淹沒了全宇宙的寧靜。
The day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the silence of all worlds.


204. 歌聲是在空中感受到她的無限,圖畫則是在地上感受的這個無限。

The song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth, the poem in the air and the earth; For its words have meaning that walks and music that soars.


205. 當太陽在西方落下時,早晨的東方已靜靜地站在他面前(等候)
When the sun goes down to the West, the East of his morning stands before him in silence.


206. 讓我不要錯誤地把自己放進我的世界,以至於使他反對我。
Let me not put myself wrongly to my world and set it against me.


207. 榮譽羞辱我,因為我偷偷地想得著它。
Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it.


208. 當我沒甚麼事情作的時候,就讓我的「無所事事」在寧靜的深處不受打擾,一如當海水沉靜時的岸邊暮色。
Let my doing nothing when I have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent.


209. 女士啊,妳的單純樸實彷彿像碧藍的湖面,展現出妳真理的深邃。
Maiden, your simplicity, like the blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth.


210. 「最好的」不會獨自前來。它總是伴隨著萬事一同而來。
The best does not come alone. It comes with the company of the all.


211. 上帝的右手是溫柔的,但祂的左手是可怕的。
God's right hand is gentle, but terrible is his left hand.


212. 我的傍晚從陌生的叢林中來到,述說著連我的晨星也不明白的語言。
My evening came among the alien trees and spoke in a language which my morning stars did not know.


213. 夜晚的黑暗是一只口袋,從中突然掏出黎明的金光。
Night's darkness is a bag that bursts with the gold of the dawn.


214. 我們的慾望將彩虹的顏色借給了那生命中的塵煙。
Our desire lends the colors of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapors of life.


215. 上帝等著將自己的花朵從人們手中作為禮物贏回來。
God waits to win back his own flowers as gifts from man's hands.


216. 我的憂傷的思緒一直纏繞著我,要逼問我它們自己的名字。 
My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own names.


217. 果實的服事是貴重的,花朵的服事是甜美的;但是讓我的服事如同那些綠葉一般,隱藏在謙遜付出的陰影下。 
The service of the fruit is precious, the service of the flower is sweet, but let my service be the service of the leaves in its shade of humble devotion.


218. 我的心已揚帆在慵懶的風中,為要航向到那蔭涼之島,不管是甚麼地方。 
My heart has spread its sails to the idle winds for the shadowy island of Anywhere.


219. 群眾是兇暴的,但個人是良善的。 
Men are cruel, but Man is kind.


220. 把我成為您的杯,並且讓我的為您與您的朋友而滿溢。 

Make me thy cup and let my fullness be for thee and for thine.


221. 狂風暴雨像是某位愛情被大地所拒絕的天神之痛苦哭嚎。 

The storm is like the cry of some god in pain whose love the earth refuses.


222. 世界不會因死亡而流失,因為死亡並不是一個罅隙。 

The world does not leak because death is not a crack.


223. 生命因為失去的愛情而變得更為富足。 

Life has become richer by the love that has been lost.


My friend, your great heart shone with the sunrise of the East
like the snowy summit of a lonely hill in the dawn.


The fountain of death makes the still water of life play.


226. 我的上帝啊,那些擁有一切東西卻沒有您的人,正在譏笑著那些除您以外別無所有的人呢!

Those who have everything but thee, my God, laugh at those who
have nothing but thyself.


227. 生命的活動只能在它自己的音樂裏得著休息。
The movement of life has its rest in its own music.


228. 奮怒踢腳只能從地上揚起塵土而沒有實質收穫。
Kicks only raise dust and not crops from the earth.


229. 我們的名字像是海波在夜裡所閃發出的光芒,不留一點痕跡就消逝了。
Our names are the light that glows on the sea waves at night and
then dies without leaving its signature.


230. 讓看玫瑰花的人也能有眼睛看到它的刺。
Let him only see the thorns who has eyes to see the rose.


231. 如果讓鳥的翅膀繫上黃金,那牠就不再能翱翔於天際了。
Set bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.

The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness, under another name.


233. 從心靈展望的觀點來看,距離更隱約地顯得遙遠了。
In heart's perspective the distance looms large.


234. 月亮將她的光明遍照於天際,卻把黑斑留給自己。
The moon has her light all over the sky, her dark spots to herself.


235. 不要說:「這是早晨」,然後以昨日之名將其拋棄。要把它視為第一次看到、還沒有名字的嬰孩。
Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a new-born child that has no name.


236. 青煙對天空誇口,灰燼對大地誇口,他們都以為自己是火的兄弟。

Smoke boasts to the sky, and Ashes to the earth, that they are brothers to the fire.


237. 雨滴對茉莉花輕聲說道:「把我永久地留在你的心裡吧。」


The raindrop whispered to the jasmine, "Keep me in your heart forever."
The jasmine sighed, "Alas," and dropped to the ground.

238. 靦腆羞怯的思想呀,不要怕我。 


Timid thoughts, do not be afraid of me.

I am a poet.


239. 在我心裡幽微的中,似乎充滿了蟋蟀的鳴聲──是一種聲音的朦朧暮色。

The dim silence of my mind seems filled with crickets' chirp--the grey twilight of sound.


240. 煙火呀,你對星辰的侮蔑,又跟著你自己回到地上來了。

Rockets, your insult to the stars follows yourself back to the earth.





202. 河岸對河水說:「我無法留住你的波浪。」



207. 榮譽羞辱我,因為我偷偷地想得著它。

216. 我的憂傷的思緒一直纏繞著我,要逼問我它們自己的名字。 




226. 我的上帝啊,那些擁有一切東西卻沒有您的人,正在譏笑著那些除您以外別無所有的人呢!


237. 雨滴對茉莉花輕聲說道:「把我永久地留在你的心裡吧。」



240. 煙火呀,你對星辰的侮蔑,又跟著你自己回到地上來了。


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