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2011/03/06 00:10:43瀏覽229|回應0|推薦3 | |
【十善業道經】云: 【華嚴經】云: 「心善安住無與等,意常清淨大歡悅,如是為物勤修行,譬如大地普容受。不為自身求快樂,但欲救護諸眾生,如是發起大悲心,疾得入於無礙地。」 Avatamsaka Sutra, "The heart is good at rest and without comparison. The mind is always pure with great joy. Thus one cultivates diligently as if the land that accepts and embraces everything. Do not seek for the joy of self but only wants to save all the sentient beings. Therefore he developed a great compassionate heart and soon enters the land of apratihata." 【諸法集要經】云: 「愛火亦如是,彼毒常隨逐,燒愚癡凡夫,何由能出離;暫生於適意,果報常燒然,求出世樂者,應常去其愛。」 The Sutra of the Essence Collection of All Dharmas, "As if the love as fire that burns. The poison is with us often. It burns the ignorant common people. How possible can they leave the realms? Although there is temporary satisfaction, the retribution of love always burns afterward. Anyone who seek for the liberation from the worldly joy, they should get rid of love and desire." 【百丈清規證義記】云: 「山阜為一寺之龍脈。林樹為一寺之庇蔭。一切無損。則合寺興隆。僧眾適悅而安於居矣。所以一切竹木。不可忽亂砍伐。一切土石。不得任便採取。」 The Commentary of the Pure Regulations of Bai Zhang Huai Hai, "Mountains are the dragon vein of a temple. Trees are the shelters of a temple. Remain all in good conditions, the temple will be prosperous and the assembly of Sangha will live peacefully so that they can enjoy their work. Therefore, all plants like bamboos or trees can not be cut down arbitrarily. Any soil and rock can not be taken at well." 【楞伽阿跋多羅寶經】佛告大慧: 「有無量因緣不應食肉。一切眾生展轉因緣,常為六親,以親想故,不應食肉。又令修行者慈心不生故,不應食肉。彼食肉者,諸天所棄故,不應食肉。令口氣臭故,不應食肉。多惡夢故,不應食肉。」 The Lavkavatara sutra, "The Buddha told Mahamati, "We should not eat meat of all the sentient beings due to the countless causes and conditions. All sentient beings were often being the six immediate relations of each other because of the different causes and conditions. So, we should not eat meat of all sentient beings because they might be one of our nearest and dearest in our previous lives. In addition, we should not eat meat of all sentient beings because the compassionate heart of a Buddhist practitioner will not be cultivated. We should not eat meat of all sentient beings because a meat eater would be abandoned by all devas. We should not eat meat because it makes our breath bad. We should not eat meat because a meat eater has more nightmares." 以上內容引用自 財團法人佛陀教育基金會 諸惡莫作 眾善奉行 自淨其意 是諸佛教 |
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