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3.4 作用之概要(Kicca-Saṅgaho)
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Chapter III   Pakiṇṇakasagahavibhāgo


3.4 作用之概要(Kicca-Sagaho


3.4.1 作用之分析


Kiccasaṅgahe kiccāni nāma paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-āvajjana-dassana- savana-ghāyana-sāyana-phusana-sampaṭicchana-santīraṇa- votthapana-javana-tadārammaṇa-cutivasena cuddasavidhāni bhavanti.

Paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-āvajjana-pañcaviññāṇaṭṭhānādivasena pana tesaṃ dasadhā ṭhānabhedo veditabbo.



In the summary of functions there are fourteen kinds — namely, 1. relinking, 2. life-continuum, 3. apprehending, 4. seeing, 5. hearing, 6. smelling, 7. tasting, 8. contacting, 9. receiving, 10. investigating, 11. determining, 12. Javana, 13. retention, and 14. decease.


Their classification should be understood by way of stage as ten-fold — namely, 1. relinking, 2. life-continuum, 3. apprehending, 4. fivefold sense-impressions, and so forth.









Kicca: (n) function; work, duty, service, business, need  作用

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝

Paisandhi: (m) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration; rebirth-linking  結生

Bhava: (m) being, existence; birth, origin; renewed existence, Sasāra; gain, increase, welfare  有,生

Aga: (n) a part, portion, division, factor; a limb, member; a means, cause; a requisite; a quality, attribute  支,(部)分,因子;特性

Bhavaga: (n) life-continuum; factor of existence  有分

Āvajjana: (n) turning to, paying attention, apprehending, adverting the mind  轉向

Dassana: (n) seeing, sight; meeting or associating with; opinion, doctrine, belief; knowledge; an eye; showing, illustrating 

Savana: (n) hearing; the ear; flowing 

Ghāyana: (n) smelling 

Sāyana: (n) tasting 

Phusana: (n) touching, attaining        phusanā: (f)

Sampaicchana: (n) assent, acceptance, agreement; receiving  領受

Santīraa: (n) investigation, decision; as technical term denoting a stage in the act of sense-cognition, judging an impression; investigating  推度

Votthapana: (n) establishing; determination, determining  確定

Javana: (adj) quick, fleet   (lit.) running swiftly  速行

Ārammaa: (n) that on which anything rests or dwells, a support, stay, basis, ground, cause, material; an object of sense; a thought, an idea  所緣

Tadārammaa: (n) having that object; registration, retention  彼所緣

Cuti: (f) disappearance, vanishing, death, decease; leaving one world to be born in another  死亡

Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as

Cuddasa, catuddasa, coddasa: (num) 14, fourteen

Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure  部分,種類

Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā

Pañcaviññāa: (n) fivefold sense-impression / sense-consciousness  五識

Ṭhāna: (n) place, state, condition; rank; stage; point, topic, thesis; basis, cause

Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera”; -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural  …

Tesaṃ: (pron) of them, their

Dasadhā: (adv) ten-fold, in ten ways

Bheda: (m) breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach; schism; sort, kind  分別

Vidati: to know, ascertain    p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood





3.4.2 依心分類


Tattha dve upekkhāsahagata-santīraṇāni c' eva aṭṭha mahāvipākāni ca nava rūpārūpavipākāni cā ti ekūnavīsati cittāni paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cutikiccāni nāma.

Āvajjanakiccāni pana dve.

Tathā dassana-savana-ghāyana-sāyana-phusana-sampaṭicchanakiccāni ca.

Tīṇi santīraṇakiccāni.

Manodvārāvajjanam eva pañcadvāre votthapanakiccaṃ sādheti.

Āvajjanadvaya-vajjitāni kusalākusala-phala-kriyā cittāni pañcapaṇṇāsa javanakiccāni.

Aṭṭha mahāvipākāni c' eva santīraṇattayañ cā ti ekādasa tadārammaṇakiccāni.



Of them nineteen types of consciousness perform the functions of relinking, life-continuum, and decease. They are: two types of investigating consciousness accompanied by indifference, eight great resultants, and nine Form-Sphere and Formless Sphere resultants. (2 + 8 + 9 = 19)


Two perform the function of apprehending.


Similarly, two perform the functions of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, contacting, and receiving.


Three perform the function of investigating.


The mind-door adverting consciousness performs the function of determining in the five sense doors (thought-process).


With the exception of two apprehending types of consciousness the fifty-five types of immoral, moral, fruition and functional consciousness perform the function of javana.


The eight great resultants and the three types of investigating consciousness, totaling eleven, perform the function of retention (registration).














Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two

Upekkhā, upekhā: (f) indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation 

Sahagata: (adj) accompanying or associated with, joined to; connected with, based upon, imbued with, characterized by 

Aṭṭha: (num) eight

Mahā: (adj) great

Vipāka: (m) result, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution  果報

Nava: (num) 9, nine

Rūpārūpa: (n) Form-Sphere and Formless Sphere  色界與無色界

Ekūnavīsati: (num) 19, nineteen

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Tayo: (num. m.) three   loc. tīsu     (f) tisso     (n) tīṇi

Manodvārāvajjana: (n) mind-door adverting  意門轉向

Pañca: (num) five

Dvāra: (n) a door, gate; an entrance, an aperture 

Sādheti: to accomplish, effect, prepare, perform     pp. sādhita

Dvaya: (adj) two, of two sorts    (n) a pair, a couple

Vajjita: (pp. vajjeti) without, except, be removed, excluding

Kusalākusala: (adj) wholesome and unwholesome, moral and immoral

Phala: (n) fruit, grain, crop, produce; result, consequence; reward, profit 

Kiriya; kiriyā, kriyā: (n; f) action, performance; work, deed; function  唯作

Pañcapaññāsa: (num) 55, fifty-five

Ekādasa: (num) 11, eleven





3.4.3 依作用的數目分類


Tesu pana dve upekkhāsahagatasantīraṇacittāni paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cuti- tadārammaṇa-santīraṇa-vasena pañcakiccāni nāma.

Mahāvipākāni aṭṭha paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cuti-tadārammaṇa-vasena catukiccāni.

Mahaggatavipākāni nava paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cuti-vasena tikiccāni.

Somanassasahagata-santīraṇaṃ santīraṇa-tadārammaṇa-vasena dukiccaṃ.

Tathā votthapanañ ca votthapanāvajjanavasena.

Sesāni pana sabbāni pi javana-manodhātuttika-dvipañcaviññāṇāni yathāsambhavam ekakiccānī ti.



Of them the two types of investigating consciousness, accompanied by indifference, perform five functions such as relinking, life-continuum, decease, retention, and investigating.


The eight great resultants perform four functions such as relinking, life-continuum, decease, and retention.


The nine Sublime resultants perform three functions such as relinking, life-continuum, and decease.


The investigating consciousness, accompanied by pleasure, performs two functions such as investigating and retention.


Similarly, the determining consciousness performs two functions such as determining and apprehending.


All the remaining types of consciousness - javana of three mind-elements, and five sense-impressions - perform only one function as they arise.













Tesu: (pron. loc.) among them, in them

Catu-: (num) four

Mahaggata: (adj) enlarged, extensive, great, lofty, sublime  廣大的

Ti-: (num) three

Somanassa: (n) joy, enjoyment, satisfaction  悅,喜

Sesa: (adj) remaining       (m) remainder  其餘

Sabba: (adj) all, every, whose, entire

Manodhātuttika: (n) triple mind element; pañcadvārāvajjana + 2 sampaicchana  三意界心(五門轉向心 + 兩種領受心)

Dvipañcaviññāṇa: two types of fivefold sense-consciousness  雙五識

Yathāsambhavaṃ: (adv) according to birth, as they arise





3.4.4 總結


Paṭisandhādayo nāma kiccabhedena cuddasa

Dasadhā ṭhānabhedena cittuppādā pakāsitā.

Aṭṭhasaṭṭhi tathā dve ca nav’ aṭṭha dve yathākkamaṃ

Eka-dvi-ti-catu-pañca kiccaṭṭhānāni niddise.



The types of consciousness are declared to be fourteen according to functions such as relinking and so forth, and ten according to classification.


It is stated those that perform one function are sixty-eight; two functions, two; three functions, nine; four functions, eight; and five functions, two, respectively.








Cittuppāda: (m) genesis of consciousness; (here =) citta, consciousness

Pakāsati: to be visible, become known; explain, illustrate     pp. pakāsita

Aṭṭhasaṭṭhi: (num) 68, sixty-eight

Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively  依序

Niddisati: to point out, specify, mention, enumerate, declare; to describe, narrate, explain     pp. niddiṭṭha     opt. niddise





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