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Glossary of Abhidhammatthasagaha   (Chapter II)






Adhimokkha: (m) steadfastness, determination; certainty, confidence  勝解,決意

Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera”; -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural  …

Adosa: (m) absence of hatred or anger  無瞋

Ahetuka: (adj) without a cause, rootless  無因的

Ahirikā: (f) shamelessness  無慚

Ahirika: (adj) shameless    (n) shamelessness  無慚

Ājīva: (m) livelihood, living, profession, conduct  生計

Akusala: (adj) bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful; unskilled, unable  不善

Ālambana, -a : (n) support; an object of sense  所緣,(感官)目標

Alobha: (m) absence of covetousness or desire, non-attachment  無貪

Amoha: (m) absence of ignorance or error, correct knowledge  無痴

Añña: (m) another    (adj) other; other than, different from  其他

Aññasamāna: (adj) common to each other  通一切

Anottappa: (n) absence of fear of sinning; recklessness, hardness of heart  無愧

Anusāra: (m) following, conformity      anusārena: (ins.) according to

Anuttara: (adj) unrivaled, preeminent, incomparable, supreme  無上,最高

Apara: (adj) other; subsequent, following; western   pl. apare

Appamaññā: (f) boundlessness, immeasurability  無量

Apuñña: (n) demerit, sin, immoral  不善

Aṭṭha: (num) eight

Aṭṭhārasa: (num) 18, eighteen

Aṭṭhasattati: (num) 78, seventy-eight

Aṭṭhatisa: (num) 38, thirty-eight

Atthi: to be, to exist      pres. 3rd pl. santi

Aviyutta: (adj) inseparable

Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā

Bheda: (m) breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach; schism; sort, kind  分別

Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso

Catubbidha: (adj) fourfold

Catuddasa, cuddasa, coddasa: (num) 14, fourteen

Catudhā: (adv) in four parts, fourfold

Catuttha: (adj) fourth  第四

Catutthajjhāna: the fourth Jhāna  四禪

Catutthajjhānikacitta: (n) the fourth Jhāna consciousness  四禪心

Catuttisa: (num) 34, thirty-four

Catuvīsati: (num) 24, twenty-four

Ceta: (m/n) the mind, the heart, the thoughts 

Cetanā: (f) consciousness, sense, thought, intention, volition 

Cetasika: (adj) mental   (n) properties or adjuncts of the mind, mental states  心所

Cha: (num) six

Chanda: (m) conation, wish; intention; will, resolve; consent, approval 

Chattisa: (num) 36, thirty-six

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Cittakammaññatā: (f) adaptability of the mind  心適業性

Cittalahutā: (f) lightness of the mind  心輕快性

Cittamudutā: (f) pliancy of the mind  心柔軟性

Cittapāguññatā: (f) proficiency of the mind  心練達性

Cittapassaddhi: (f) tranquility of the mind  心輕安

Cittāviyutta: (n) inseparable from consciousness   i.e. cetasika

Cittujjukatā: (f) rectitude of the mind  心正直性

Cittuppāda: (m) genesis of consciousness; (here =) citta, consciousness

Dāni: (adv) now

Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 

Dhātu: (m/f) primary or elementary substance, element; principle; a property of a primary substance, such as color, sound, taste, etc.; an organ of sense; a constituent of the body, as flesh, blood, bones; the remains of a body after cremation; a sacred relic; a fossil; a metal  界,元素,(火化後)遺骨等等

Diṭṭhi: (f) sight, view; the eye; religious belief, doctrine; false doctrine, heresy  見,邪見

Diṭṭhigata: (adj) connected with wrong view  有邪見的

Domanassa: (n) dejection, gloom, melancholy, grief 

Dosa: (m) anger, hatred 

Duka: (n) a pair, two

Dutiya: (adj) second  第二

Dutiyajjhānacitta: (n) the second Jhāna consciousness  二禪心

Dutiyajjhānikacitta: (n) the second Jhāna consciousness  二禪心

Dvādasa: (num) twelve

Dvāra: (n) a door, gate; an entrance, an aperture 

Dvattisa: (num) 32, thirty-two

Dvāvīsati: (num) 22, twenty-two

Dvaya: (adj) two, of two sorts    (n) a pair, a couple

Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two

Dvipañcaviññāṇa: two types of fivefold sense-consciousness  雙五識

Dvipaññāsa: (num) 52, fifty-two

Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique

Ekādasa: (num) 11, eleven

Ekaggatā: (f) tranquility of the mind, one-pointedness  一境性

Ekapaññāsa: (num) 51, fifty-one

Ekato: (adv) together; on one side

Ekūnanavuti: (f. num) 89, eighty-nine

Ekūnasattati: (num) 69, sixty-nine

Ekūnavīsati: (num) 19, nineteen

Ete: (pron) these, those

Ettāvatā: (adv) thus, so far, to that extent, thereabouts

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Eva, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only

Evaṃ: (adv) thus  如是

Gacchati: to go, go to, proceed; depart

Gaana: (n) counting, calculation; number

Gata: (pp. gacchati) gone to, reached, going; having attained; directed to, devoted to, occupied with; being in, being upon; departed, disappeared

Hasana: (n) laughter

Hasanacitta: (n) consciousness of aesthetic pleasure  生笑心

Hiri, hirī: (f) shame; modesty; the shame which deters a man from sinning 

Ime: (pron) these

Indriya: (n) an organ of sense; a power, faculty; function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex  根,感官

Issā: (f) envy, jealousy, ill-will 

Ittha: (adv) thus

Iti, ti, icc (before a vowel): (adv) thus; generally placed at the end of a book, or of a chapter or section, to introduce the title

Ito: (adv) hence; from this time; from this world; ago; here

Jānāti: to know, gain knowledge of; comprehend, perceive; ascertain; recognize; be intelligent   opt. jāniyā, jaññā, jāneyya   ger. ñatvā   pp. ñāta

Jāyati: to be born, be produced, grow, spring up, arise   pp. jāta

Jhāna: (n) meditation, contemplation; religious meditation; ecstasy, trance 

Jīvita: (n) life

Jīvitindriya: (n) principle of life, life, vitality  命根

Kadāci: (adv) at some time, sometimes; perhaps

Kāmāvacara: (adj) within the domain of sensual pleasure, belonging to the Kāmaloka  欲界

Kammaññatā: (f) adaptability, readiness  適業性

Kammanta: (m) business, work, occupation, craft 

Karuā: (f) compassion, mercy, pity for or sympathy with those who are suffering 

Katha: (adv) How?

Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude  身;(此處意謂)心所(總集)

Kāyakammaññatā: (f) adaptability of mental states  身適業性

Kāyalahutā: (f) lightness of mental states  身輕快性

Kāyamudutā: (f) pliancy of mental states  身柔軟性

Kāyapāguññatā: (f) proficiency of mental states  身練達性

Kāyapassaddhi (f) tranquility of mental states  身輕安

Kāyujjukatā: (f) rectitude of mental states  身正直性

Keci, koci: (pron.) some, any

Kiriya; kiriyā, kriyā: (n; f) action, performance; work, deed; function  唯作

Kiriyacitta, kriyācitta: (n) functional consciousness  唯作心

Kukkucca: (n) misconduct; remorse; moroseness, querulousness  惡作,追悔

Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious 

Labbhati: (pass. labhati) to be taken, be received, be obtained, be permitted

Lahutā: (f) lightness, buoyancy  輕快性

Lobha: (m) covetousness, desire, greed, lust 

Lobhamūla: rooted in attachment or greed  貪根

Lokiya: (adj) worldly, earthly, temporal; common, popular  世間的

Lokuttara: (adj) transcending the world, supramundane, spiritual  出世間

Lokuttaracitta: (n) supramundane consciousness  出世間心

Macchariya, macchera: (n) avarice, niggardliness, selfishness 

Mahaggata: (adj) enlarged, extensive, great, lofty, sublime  廣大的

Mahaggatacitta: (n) sublime consciousness  廣大心

Majjhattatā: (f) impartiality, moderation, indifference  中捨性

Majjhima: (adj) middle, central; mean, moderate; of medium size

Māna: (m) pride, arrogance, vanity, conceit; honor, respect 

Mana: (m/n) the mind, the intellect, the thoughts, the heart  意,心

Manasikāra: (m) attention (manasi: loc. of mano)  作意

Manasikaroti: to mind, attend to, pay attention to, bear in mind, think about, ponder, fix the mind on, take to heart  注意,思惟

Maññati: to think, suppose, imagine, consider, esteem, know, believe, understand  理解,認為

Manodhātuttika: (n) triple mind element; pañcadvārāvajjana + 2 sampaicchana  三意界心(五門轉向心 + 兩種領受心)

Mata: (pp. maññati) thought, considered, believed, understood, known

Middha: (n) sleepiness, drowsiness, torpor, stupor  睡眠

Moha: (m) delusion, error, folly, infatuation, ignorance; fainting, loss of consciousness 

Momūha: (adj) silly, mad  純粹愚痴

Muditā: (f) rejoicing with others in their happiness or prosperity  (隨)喜

Mudutā: (f) softness, pliancy  柔軟性

Mūla: (n) root; lowest part, base, foundation; origin, source, commencement; front, foremost, first; cause; sum, amount, mass; price, money 

Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed  名為;著實

Nānā: (adv) variously, differently

Ñāa: (n) knowledge 

Naya: (m) leading, guidance; conduct; prudent conduct, prudence; policy; way, manner, means, mode, method; inference, logical deduction   -naya 

Nirodha: (m) cessation, annihilation; Nirvāṇa; obstruction, impeding 

Niyata: (adj) restrained, bound to, sure, fixed, certain, assured

Niyatayogī: (m) fixed adjunct  定附隨法

Ottappa: (n) fear of sinning, shrinking from sin 

Pacceka: (adj) each one; single; several

Paccekaṃ: (adv) singly, individually, severally

Pāguññatā: (f) familiarity with, experience, proficiency  練達性

Pakāsati: to be visible, to become known     pp. pakāsita

Pakiṇṇaka: (adj) miscellaneous; Particular  雜(項)

Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Pañca: (num) five

Pañcadhā: (adv) in five ways, fivefold

Pañcadvārāvajjana: fivefold sense-door directing / adverting  五門轉向

Pañcaka: (adj) consisting of five, five in number

Pañcama: (adj) the fifth

Pañcamajjhāna: (n) the fifth Jhāna  五禪

Pañcamajjhānikacitta: (n) the fifth Jhāna consciousness  五禪心

Pañcapaññāsa: (num) 55, fifty-five

Pañcatisa: (num) 35, thirty-five

Pañcavīsati: (num) 25, twenty-five

Paññā: (f) wisdom, intellect, reason  慧,般若

Paṇṇarasa, pannarasa, pañcadasa: (num) 15, fifteen

Paññindriya: (n) faculty of wisdom  慧根

Para: (adj) other, different, adverse; distant, further, opposite

Paritta: (adj) small, brief, limited

Passaddhi: (f) calming down, calmness, repose, tranquility  輕安

Pahama: (adj) first, foremost; earliest, previous; principal, chief, best  第一

Pahamajjhānacitta: first Jhāna consciousness  初禪心

Pahamajjhānikacitta: (n) first Jhāna consciousness  初禪心

Paigha: (m/n) anger, hatred  瞋恚

Paisandhi: (m) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration, rebirth-linking  結生,轉世

Pavakkhati: (fut.) he will tell, declare, recite

Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed    pres. 3rd pl. pavuccare  被稱之

Phassa: (m) touch, contact 

Pīti: (f) joy, delight 

Puñña: (n) goodness, good work, merit   (adj) good, virtuous, meritorious  善,福

Sabba: (adj) all, every, whole, entire

Sabbacittasādhāraa: common to every consciousness; Universal  遍一切心

Sabbākusalasādhāraa: common to every Immoral consciousness  遍一切不善心

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly  全部

Sabbattha, sabbatra: (adv) everywhere

Saddhā: (f) faith 

Saddhi: (adv) with, together with   [+ ins ]

Sādhāraa: (adj) common, joint, general, universal  共通的,普遍的

Saha: (adv) with, together with

Sahagata: (adj) accompanying or associated with, joined to; connected with, based upon, imbued with, characterized by 

Sahetu: (m) with a cause  有因

Sahetuka: (adj) having a cause  有因的

Sama: (adj) same, similar, like, equal; just, impartial; full, complete, entire

Samaṃ: (adv) equally, together with

Samāna (adj) similar, equal, same  類似,等同

Sambhava: (m) production, birth; origin, cause; union 

Sammā: (indecl) fully, thoroughly, accurately, rightly, properly, really, truly 

Sammā-ājīva: (m) right livelihood  正命

Sammākammanta: (m) right action  正業

Sammāvācā: (f) right speech  正語

Sampaicchana: (n) assent, acceptance, agreement; receiving  領受

Sampayoga: (m) union, association  相應,結合

Sampayujjati: (pass. sampayuñjati) to be conjoined, be linked    [+ loc ]

Sampayutta: (pp. sampayuñjati) connected with, dependent on, resulting from  相應

Samupalabbhati: to be taken, be obtained

Savijjati: to exist, to be found

Sandissati: to be seen together with, to be engaged in; to live conformably

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝

Sagaṇhāti: to seize, take, collect; compile; abridge; contain, embrace, include; treat kindly, favor, conciliate; help, protect     pp. sagahita

Sagayhati: (pass. sagaṇhāti) to be taken, collected, compiled, included

Saññā: (f) perception, consciousness, sense; intellect, thought; sign, gesture 

Santīraa: (n) investigation, decision; as technical term denoting a stage in the act of sense-cognition, judging an impression; investigating  推度

Sapakiṇṇaka: (adj) with the Particulars (pakiṇṇaka)

Sasakhārika: (adj) instigated, induced or prompted by oneself or others; unspontaneous  有行,受到煽動或影響;非自發的

Sati: (f) recollection; active state of mind, fixing the mind strongly upon any object; attention, attentiveness; thought, reflection, mindfulness 

Satta: (num) seven

Sattacattāḷīsa: (num) 47, forty-seven

Sattadhā: (adv) sevenfold, in seven ways

Sattarasa: (num) 17, seventeen

Sattati: (num) 70, seventy

Sattatisa: (num) 37, thirty-seven

Sattavīsati: (num) 27, twenty-seven

Sesa: (adj) remaining       (m) remainder  其餘

Sobhaa, sobhana: (adj) shining, resplendent, beautiful, good, embellishing 

Soḷasa: (num) 16, sixteen

Subha: (adj) beautiful, good; radiant, lustrous, splendid; auspicious; happy   (n) luster; goodness; pleasure, desire

Sukha: (n) happiness; welfare; ease, comfort    (adj) blest; happy, delightful, pleasant; easy 

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Tatiya: (adj) third  第三

Tatiyajjhānikacitta: (n) the third Jhāna consciousness  三禪心

Tatra, tattha: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Tatramajjhattatā: (f) equanimity  中捨性

Tāva: (adv) now, just, at once; really, indeed; yet, still

Tayo: (num. m.) three   loc. tīsu     (f) tisso     (n) tīṇi

Te: (pron) they

Terasa, telasa: (num) 13, thirteen

Tesaṃ: (pron) of them, their

Tettisa: (num) 33, thirty-three

Tevīsati: (num) 23, twenty-three

Thīna: (n) idleness, sloth, dullness  昏沉

Tika: (n) a triad, three, triplet

Tisati: (num) 30, thirty

Tisattati: (num) 73, seventy-three

Tiṭṭhati, hāti: to stand, stay; remain behind, stop; dwell, continue, abide, last, endure; live, exist, be       pp. hita: standing, existing, remaining, lasting; firm, steady, permanent, etc.  站,住;持續,存立

Uddhacca: (n) restlessness, disquietude, mental distraction or confusion 掉舉

Uddisati: to point out, explain; determine, appoint; recite; specify   opt. uddise pp. uddiṭṭha     ger. uddissa, uddisitvā

Ujjukatā: (f) rectitude, straightness  正直性

Upekkhā, upekhā: (f) indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation 

Uppāda: (m) springing up, producing, appearance; birth; an omen 

Uppajjati: to arise, originate, be produced, be born, appear   pp. uppanna

Vācā: (f) word, saying, speech 

Vadati, vadeti: to speak, say; to declare, proclaim

Vajja: (n) that which should be avoided; fault, sin     (adj) excluding

Vajjita: (pp. vajjeti) without, except, be removed, excluding

Vasa: (m/n) wish, desire; will, authority, power, influence, control, mastership, ownership

Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as

Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative

Vatthuka: (adj) substitute for vatthu at the end of a compound  依處

Vatti: to speak, say; speak to, address   pp. vutta, utta    aor. avoca 

Vedanā: (f) feeling, sensation; pain, suffering 

Vibhāga: (m) division  分析,分別

Vicāra: (m) investigation, examination; sustained application 

Vicikicchā: (f) doubt, uncertainty 

Vidati: to know, ascertain    p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood

Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure  部分,種類

Vijjati: to be, exist; to be found, to be obtained     pl. vijjare

Viññāa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 

Vipāka: (m) result, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution  果報

Vippayutta: (adj) disconnected with  不相應

Virahita: (p.p.) bereft of, exempt from      [+ ins.]

Virati: (f) abstinence   [+ abl.]  離,戒

Viriya: (n) strength, vigor, energy; fortitude, effort, exertion  精進

Vīsati: (num) 20, twenty

Visesaka: (m/n) a (distinguishing) mark, leading to distinction

Viseseti: to distinguish, define, specify     pp. visesita

Visuṃ: (adv) separately, individually     visu visuṃ: one by one, each on his own, separately

Vitakka: (m) reflection, thought; argument; reasoning; initial application 

Vitthāra: (m) width, breadth; extension, amplification, detail

Vitthārato: (abl.) in detail; in breadth

Vivajjita: (pp. vivajjeti) forsaken, rid of, without

Viyutta: (p.p.) separated

Votthapana: (n) establishing; determining, determination; synthesis  確定

Yathā: (adv) as, like; how, when

Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively  依序

Yathārahaṃ: (adv) according to worth; properly, satisfactorily, correctly, appropriately, duly

Yathāyoga: (adv) accordingly, according to union

Yoga: (m) junction, union; method, means, plan, device; application, endeavor, diligence, devotion, mental concentration; connexion, attachment

Yogī, yogin: (adj) applying oneself (to), working (by means of), using

Yojeti: (caus. yuñjati) to fix, apply, devote; unite, mix; try, adopt, use, prepare; yoke, harness; appoint, commission, employ; furnish, provide; urge, induce   pfp. yojetabba    pp. yojita

Yugala: (n) a pair, couple

Yujjati: (pass. yuñjati) to be connected, be linked    [+ loc ]

Yuñjati: to turn one’s attention to, be zealous, active, devote oneself to  [+ loc]

Yutta: (pp. yuñjati) yoked, joined, connected, attached; right, fitting; possessing; used, adopted, performed; engaged in, devoted to, versed  相應,結合





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