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2020/03/31 18:01:49瀏覽75|回應0|推薦0

Thus one may combine Buddhist mindfulness meditation with sessions of Hindu mantra recitation, Christian prayer with Sufi dancing, Jewish Kabbala with Tibetan visualization exercises. Eclecticism, however, though sometimes helpful in making a transition from a predominantly worldly and materialistic way of life to one that takes on a spiritual hue, eventually wears thin. While it makes a comfortable halfway house, it is not comfortable as a final vehicle.

這麼一來,人 們可能結合佛教的禪定與印度教的咒語唱誦;結合基督 教的禱告與神秘主義教派的舞蹈;結合猶太教的卡巴拉 (Kabbala)與西藏的觀想。雖然,折衷主義的方式對於從以世俗與物質為主的生活方式,轉變到具有心靈修持色彩時會有所幫助,但是終究會逐漸失去效用。它雖然能當作一個舒適的中繼站,卻不是恰當的究竟車乘。

There are two interrelated flaws in eclecticism that account for its ultimate inadequacy. One is that eclecticism compromises the very traditions it draws upon.


The great spiritual traditions themselves do not propose their disciplines as independent techniques that may be excised from their setting and freely recombined to enhance the felt quality of our lives.

其一,折衷主義折損了它所採用的教派。偉大的靈修宗教本身,不會主張把它們的修行戒律,當做是獨立的技術——可以從它們的整體配置中切割出來, 任意再結合以增加生活品質。

**節錄自菩提比丘(The Noble Eightfold Path )

** 翻譯參考自香光寺的譯本.

( 心情隨筆其他 )
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