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Monet From Proust’s Contre Sainte-Beuve
2013/11/12 13:27:57瀏覽351|回應0|推薦12

Monet From Proust’s Contre Sainte-Beuve

莫內比普魯斯特大了 31 歲,卻在普魯斯特病故 4 年之後才辭世,很可惜這兩個人在有生之年不曾有過機會碰面,但在《追憶似水年華》之中,可以肯定的是主要的小說人物之一畫家埃爾斯蒂爾 (Elstir) 的創作原型,除了惠斯勒 (James Abbott McNeill Whistler)以外,還包含了莫內的部份身影。有興趣的格友請詳以下連結之評論文章:
Monet in Zola & Proust.


日期: 2013/11/142014/02/16





A lover of pictures, of Claude Monet’s landscapes, let us say, or Sisley’s, will inevitably come to know and feel a liking for rivers where a sailing boat streaks its wake between grassy banks, for the blue sea at Antibes, for various times of day, for certain aspects of Rouen where the cathedral shows among the houses, with its spire and ribbed Gothic walls standing out among flattened roofs and smooth house-fronts—just as a man who loves a singer inevitably loves the character of Juliet or of Ophelia, in which, as in the bread of the altar, the being he adores is made manifest to him. Picture lovers who will make a journey to look at a Monet painting of a poppy-field will not, perhaps, take a walk to look at a field of poppies; but meanwhile, like astrologers who had a speculum that showed them everything in the world, but which had to be consulted in some place of solitude, since astrologers did not mingle in the world’s affairs, they have hang hag on their walls mirrors of a no less magic kind called pictures, in which, if one knows how to look at them steadily, slightly withdrawing oneself the while, important constituents of reality are unveiled.
一個繪畫愛好者,比如說克洛德·莫奈的風景畫或者西斯萊畫作的愛好者,將不可避免地熟悉並愛上那些帆舟劃過水面、兩岸綠草茵茵的河流,愛上昂蒂勃一帶碧藍的大海,一天裡不同時段的光影變化,盧昂地區的某些風貌:一座火教堂自群屋中拔地而起,它的鐘樓尖頂和帶飛扶壁的哥特式牆壁屹立於一片平坦的屋頂和光鮮的房屋門臉兒之上。這就如同一個熱愛某位歌劇女演員的人必定會愛上茱麗葉和奧菲利亞這類角色一樣,因為這些角色恰似他所崇拜的那個可人兒的替身。這個繪畫愛好者會專程去觀賞一幅表現麗春花田野的莫奈畫作,但他不一定會散步前去田野觀看實際的麗春花。這就好比那些占星家用觀星儀觀看宇宙萬物,但必須在僻靜孤寂處觀看一樣,因為他們不食人間煙火,他們在房間裡掛滿同樣神奇、被稱為畫作的魔鏡,然後離開一段距離 (如果他們懂得賞畫的話)仔細觀賞,那些重要的景物細部便層層展現昭然若揭。

There we stand, bent on the magic mirror, standing a little back from it, trying to drive out every other thought, seeking to understand the purport of each stroke of colour, each of them calling to mind past impressions which gather into a construction as atmospheric and multicoloured as the strokes of colour on the canvas, and build up a landscape in the imagination; mirrors consulted by old men with long beards who do not know that the wind parches and the sun scorches, but who are entranced to discover all these truths, which besides, are based on the real wind and the real sun. Just as the singer’s lovers know the author whom she admires and whose characters they see her playing, a picture by Monet makes us love the landscape which pleases us in it.

He often painted the banks of the Seine at Vernon. No doubt we can be of the opinion that he would have seen things as lovely elsewhere, and that perhaps it was his personal circumstances that took him there. Never mind. To draw out the truth and beauty of a place we must know that they are there to be drawn our, that gods are everywhere latent in its soil. Apart from those places where, on some high and holy day, we ourselves have been granted a revelation, we can only pray on consecrated ground. Certainly it is not a vain idolatry for Monet or Corot that will do our loving for us. We shall love ourselves. But on the threshold of love we are bashful. There has to be someone who will say to us, Here is what you may love; love it. And then we love.
莫奈畫過許多維爾農一帶的塞納-馬恩省河兩岸風光,這足以讓我們前去那裡實地旅遊。或許我們會認為他在別的地方也能看到同樣旖旎的風光,也許是他的生活境遇把他引到那去的。但這些都不重要。為了呈現一個地方的真實風貌和美,我們得明白它們其實就在那兒等著我去發掘,在其土壤其實到處都潛伏著蠢蠢欲動的精靈。在聖地我們只能了無生氣地禱告,而在別的地方,遇到某個晴朗和神聖的日子,我們沒準兒反而能得到神啟。顯而易見,對莫奈或柯羅畫作的偶像般崇拜不會徒勞無益,它會使我們珍愛自己。我們將 (除了愛上帝之外還) 愛我們自己。但在自愛之前,我們會害羞膽怯。需要有人點撥我們:在這你們可以愛了,盡情愛吧。於是我們開始愛了。

Monet’s pictures show us the magic vein in Argenteuil, in Vetheuil, in Epte, in Giverny. So we set off for these holy lands. They show us too the heavenly pasturage our imaginations can find in things less localised, islet- dotted rivers during those motionless hours of afternoon when the river is blue and white with
sky and clouds, and green with trees and lawns, and pink with sunbeams already sloping on tree-trunks, and splashed with scarlet in the shadow of the garden hedges where the tall dahlias push through.

The pictures make us adore a field, a sky, a beach, a river, as though these were shrines which we long to visit, shrines we lose faith in when we see, strolling through the field, walking briskly along the shore, a lady drawing her shawl closer, a man and woman holding hands. We rank the divinities of our worship so high that whatever brings them down to the level of the already known breaks the spell for us. It is the ideal we give our hearts to. Believing that the painter is going to tell us about the place itself, a mysterious personage with a vast countenance of cliff, a sunset glance reddening through the rain into the very depths of the sea, we see a couple thrust themselves between it and us. And we who believed this personality of places to be such a mystery that we believed the painter entirely given over to calling it up amid the silence and the furrowing boom of waves on that beach, we are astounded to see that he was in the upshot no more concerned with it than with this couple, who strike us as in no way mysterious and whom he has put into his picture too.

We thirsted for parts of the world that are themselves and nothing but themselves, beaches that never see more than a particular corner of the cliff and hear the sea’s lament all day and all night, towns built on the slope of a hill that see only a river and in summer, lilac groves; the sight of mankind imbedded in these things irks us, since it was them only, them unbelittled, that we wanted to see. Such is the unreasonableness of our ideals. When we are children, and we try to find the moon and the stars in books we are enraptured by the moon in Picciola because it is a glistening luminary, and are disappointed by it in Colomba because it is compared to a cheese and a cheese seems vulgar to us and the moon appears divine. And in Musset’s Histoire d’un Merle blanc, so long as it is a matter of white wings and a rosy beak and little drops of water, we are charmed, but after the white blackbird has addressed the dove as Madame la Marquise, these men and women who then represent the real world to us, which we think to be ugly, to be unpoetical, irk us and take away all our pleasure. It is the period of our life when the only things we enjoy in a picture gallery are works by Gleyre or Ingres, when we require faultless symmetry, moons like silver crescents in a star-strewn heaven, and when all the colouring of the Marriage at Cana seems as far removed from the world of poetry, and as vulgar. as the coat-tails over the chair or the wine stains on the tablecloth.


1. 原文並未分段,僅因閱讀方便,故自行切割為幾個段落。
英譯:Sylvia Townsend Warner / Marcel Proust: On Art and Literature 1896-1919
中譯:冷杉 /《那地方恍如夢境》

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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