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2016/07/19 15:00:01瀏覽1044|回應0|推薦7 | |
桃園高中 阿得老師 有一個地方,是一輩子的想念,它叫故鄉, 有一種想念,是一輩子的懸念,它叫思鄉, 這種懸念,像一壺酒,越沉越香,盪氣迴腸, 這種懸念,正是浮雲遊子的朝思暮想,告老還鄉的企盼,願長眠於斯,朝朝暮暮,無怨無悔,至死不渝。 我愛這樣的懸念,因為它就是永遠的心靈故鄉,那兒有家族帶來的親情,有熟悉的一草一木,有穿越過的大街小巷,有兒時死黨的呼喊奔跑,有鄰居長輩的摸頭問好,這一切,賦予了故鄉所有的元素和情感,歷久常新。 無數古今中外的歌,闡述著一樣的思鄉,一樣濃濃的鄉愁,從民歌「鄉愁四韻」到鄭進一的「故鄉」,從世界民謠「念故鄉」到史麥塔那的「我的祖國」,那是全人類共同的語言、符號。 有一首西洋老歌:Green, green grass of home,最能道盡這種思鄉的懸念,尤其是面臨生命的威脅或盡頭時,故鄉的呼喚是最為殘酷的,卻也是最為根本的,包含思鄉的起點和終點,在這生死的一線間的懸念,也是人生終點最想安撫的懸念。 是啊!故事不一定都要美好啊!因為最值得的,是那純真的家鄉情感,斯土斯情,亙古不變,永留心中。 念故鄉,如常也是永恆,豈能不珍惜當下呢? Green, green grass of home 青青故園草 The old hometown looks the same as I step down from the train And there to meet me is my mama and papa Down the road I look and there comes Mary, hair of gold and lips like cherries It's good to touch the green green grass of home 我步下了火車 但見故城風景景依舊 來接我的是我的爸爸和媽媽 順路往下一看──瑪麗奔躍而來 髮絲金黃,唇如櫻桃 多好呵,輕觸那青青的故園草 The old house is still standing, though the paint is cracked and dry And there's that old oak tree that I used to play on And down the lane I'd walk with my sweet Mary , hair of gold and lips like cherries It's good to touch the green green grass of home 老屋聳立如昔 雖然漆色剝落 屋旁有我常爬的老橡樹 我和甜美的瑪麗一起步下小巷 髮絲金黃,唇如櫻桃 多好呵,輕觸那青青的故園草 Yes they've all come to meet me, arms reaching smiling sweetly Lord it's so good to touch the green green grass of home 真的!他們都會來接我 手拉著手,笑容可掬 多好呵,輕觸那青青的故園草 Then I awake and look around me, at four gray walls that surround me And I realized that I was only dreaming For there's a guard and there's a sad old padre, arm in arm we'll walk at daybreak Once again I'll touch the green green grass of home 之後我醒來,望望四週 四週圍我以冰冷牆 於是我才知道剛才只不過是做夢罷了 但見衛士一名,悲悽的隨軍老牧師一位 手挽著手,我們走在破曉之中 我將再次輕觸那青青的故園草 Yes they'll all come to see me, in the shade of that old oak tree As they lay me neath the green green grass of home 真的,他們都會來看我 在老橡樹濃蔭之中 當他們把我安置於 青青故園草之下
(錄自19770525聯合報登載羅青老師的翻譯,說明文章出自:http://voyagefeb.pixnet.net/blog/post/2912565-%E9%9D%92%E9%9D%92%E6%95%85%E5%9C%92%E8%8D%89) 註:圖片錄自網路。 |
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |