【聯合晚報╱編譯朱小明/綜合報導】 | 2007.06.13 06:47 pm |
據「富比世」雜誌評估,2015年全球人口最多的十大城巿大多會集中在亞洲地區,預測東京會以3550萬人高踞榜首,但由於東京人口增加減緩,未來看好的超級大城將是印度孟買、中國上海、孟加拉達卡市。 回首1900年,當時最大城市是英國的倫敦,但人口不過650萬之譜,和現在人口不到千萬不能稱大的情形不可同日而語。當時東京以150萬名列全球第七大城市,而且是十大中唯一的亞洲城市。到了2005五年,東京都會區人口增至3520萬,超越紐約成為全球最大都市。預計東京至少會繼續穩居冠軍至2015年。 預料2015年時,印度的商業和娛樂都會孟買將躍居第二,曾有「東方巴黎」之稱的上海將晉升全球第七大城市。 【2007/06/13 聯合晚報】 |
By The Numbers: Megacities Of The Future
June 11, 2007
The demographic future belongs to cities like Mumbai, Shanghai and Dhaka.
#1. Tokyo, Japan
Projected Population in 2015: 35.5 million
Population in 2005: 35.2 million
Originally called Edo, this city did not amount to much until 1603, when Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made it his home. After Japan's Meiji Restoration in 1868, the emperor moved in and changed the name to Tokyo. The city was devastated by an earthquake in 1923 and by U.S. bombers in 1945. Despite these setbacks, and despite the damage inflicted by Godzilla in numerous films, Tokyo eventually surpassed New York to become the world's biggest city--a title it will retain at least until 2015.
#5. New York, United States
Projected Population in 2015: 19.9 million
Population in 2005: 18.7 million
The New York metropolitan area constituted the world's first megacity, passing the 10 million mark by 1950. It was founded during the 1620s as New Amsterdam, a Dutch colony that soon passed to British control. The key to its 19th-century growth was the Erie Canal, completed in 1825, which funneled commerce from America's interior to the Hudson River. These days, New York no longer is the world's busiest port, but it remains America's finance and media capital.
#7. Shanghai, China
Projected Population in 2015: 17.2 million
Population in 2005: 14.5 million
Shanghai was diverted from obscurity in 1842, when China lost the First Opium War and was forced to open several ports to foreign exploitation. Thanks to its location near the mouth of the Yangtze River, Shanghai prospered mightily and grew into China's largest and most cosmopolitan city: "The Paris of the East." The foreigners fled in 1949 when the Communists took over, but in recent years, Shanghai has reclaimed its former stature as a financial and industrial behemoth.