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In God I cannot see?
2008/11/03 20:40:27瀏覽410|回應0|推薦8

昨夜臨睡前靜參 Lesson43.

God is my source. I cannot see apart from Him.


讀到第二節首句: In God you cannot see.  心頭不禁一驚。似乎這一句不成理。然而很快地,在讀畢全課且嘗試修練後,頓覺理所當然。

Indeed. In God I need not “see”. That’s why I cannot “see”.

“Cannot” means I need not the function of body-seeing. I currently live in split situation, lingering always back and forth certainty and uncertainty. In this world of contingency and possibility, I have doggedly followed a course detailed with all senselessness of “choice” and “freedom” which I have unconsciously cherished and chosen. Trapped behind the "door" of perception, I count on “seeing”to identify my whereabouts and to conceive myself based on my perceptual grasping of my whereabouts. Above all, I see outsides of myself in order to know myself.....

If I am truly in God, I “cannot” see because I merely “know” and happily remain as I am!! Since living now “split-ly”, I still count on perception which has a powerful purpose for me to approach Knowledge.

And that's why the current world of perception could at best be understood as "inner world, outer space", according to Joseph Campbell ......

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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