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In search of my Rock Time 25 – Galaxie 500
2011/05/06 23:41:02瀏覽631|回應0|推薦5

In search of my Rock Time 25 – Galaxie 500

-- P.025
《給所有明日的聚會》/ 陳德政

看完陳德政的《給所有明日的聚會》,在我還來不及意會 Galaxie 500 的靈魂人物 Dean Wareham 為何為這本書寫序之際,我已經隨作者神遊經歷了 2003 年初夏一直到 2007 年冬季的紐約搖滾時光。


看到作者 Dean Wareham 家裡一同看棒球轉播、一同參加設計師的派對、一同用餐聊天,我留下欣羨的驚鴻一瞥,但人生的腳步依舊是堅定地向前邁出……

Galaxie 500 was an American alternative rock band that formed in 1987 and split up in 1991 after releasing three albums.

Galaxie 500 used fairly simple instrumental techniques enhanced with an atmospheric production style. The Velvet Underground and Jonathan Richman have been identified as key influences. In interviews on the Galaxie 500 DVD Don't Let Our Youth Go to Waste, Wareham cites Spacemen 3 as another key inspiration.

Galaxie 500's music had an influence on many later indie music groups, including Low.[6] It has been covered and referenced by several well known artists. In Liz Phair's song "Stratford-on-Guy", she sings, "And I was pretending that I was in a Galaxie 500 video." In Xiu Xiu's song "Dr. Troll", Jamie Stewart sings, "Listen to On Fire and pretend someone could love you." The Submarines did a cover of "Tugboat" in their recent iTunes Live Session EP, recorded with famed indie rock producer Adam Lasus. The Brian Jonestown Massacre's And This Is Our Music was titled in reference to the group's album This Is Our Music (which itself was titled after Ornette Coleman's album This Is Our Music).[6] Sonic Youth frontman Thurston Moore has cited Galaxie 500's album Today as "the guitar record of 1988".[11] British Sea Power also covered "Tugboat" for Rough Trade compilation Stop Me If You Think You've heard this one before. The band Portastatic has also covered "Tugboat".

Dean WarehamGalaxie 500, Luna, Dean & Britta)訪談(上)
Dean WarehamGalaxie 500, Luna, Dean & Britta)訪談(

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