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In search of my Rock Time 34 – Heart of Gold
2015/05/30 08:27:02瀏覽423|回應0|推薦9

In search of my Rock Time 34 – Heart of Gold


  I want to live 
  I want to give 
  I've been a miner for a heart of gold 
  It's these expressions I never give 
  That keeps me searching for a heart of gold 
  And I'm getting old. 
  Keeps me searching for a heart of gold 
  And I'm getting old.

民謠搖滾出身的 Neil Young,在 1972 年發行了他的個人專輯 Harvest,其中一首單曲 "Heart of Gold" 成爲他唯一的排行榜冠軍歌曲 (U.S. Billboard Hot 100)
"Heart of Gold" is a song by Canadian singer-songwriter Neil Young. Released from the 1972 album Harvest, it is so far Young's only U.S. No. 1 single. In Canada, it reached No. 1 on the RPM national singles chart for the first time on April 8, 1972, on which date Young held the top spot on both the singles and albums charts. Billboard ranked it as the No. 17 song for 1972. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked it No. 297 on their list of the 500 greatest songs of all time

雖然那個年代我並不曾恭逢其盛,但看到維基百科中摘要 Bob Dylan 的一段訪談,仍然可知這首歌曲如何撼動人心,就連民謠搖滾教父都想據為己有:
In 1985, Bob Dylan admitted that he disliked hearing this song, despite always liking Neil Young:
The only time it bothered me that someone sounded like me was when I was living in Phoenix, Arizona, in about '72 and the big song at the time was "Heart of Gold". I used to hate it when it came on the radio. I always liked Neil Young, but it bothered me every time I listened to "Heart of Gold." I think it was up at number one for a long time, and I'd say, "Shit, that's me. If it sounds like me, it should as well be me."

當悠揚的口琴聲依舊從這一位姓氏喚做 Young 卻早已不再年輕的演唱者口中吹奏出來,心裡流淌的正是一陣毫無來由的感動,那是因為我們開始感嘆時間的消逝?感嘆年華已經逐漸老去?還是說,我可以私心解讀這只是一次極為單純的感動?


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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