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In search of my Rock Time 32 – Cinderella
2014/03/06 21:41:27瀏覽425|回應0|推薦6

In search of my Rock Time 32 – Cinderella

我們所熟悉的 Cinderella (仙杜瑞拉),也就是灰姑娘,應該是《鵝媽媽的故事》、《格林童話》或迪士尼動畫《仙履奇緣》中的女主角。
然而,在 1980 年代,華麗金屬 Glam Metal 盛行的那個時期,卻出現了以 Cinderella 為名的樂團,他們很快地就成名了並開始為 PoisonLoudnessDavid Lee RothBon Jovi 這些搖滾樂團或歌手進行暖場。
1986 年發行的第一張專輯 Night Songs,攻下告示牌的季軍寶座,銷售量也突破了三百萬

在接觸搖滾樂的初期曾經找到了他們的前3張專輯,除了 Night Songs,還有 1988 年發行的 Long Cold Winter 以及 1990 年發行的 Heartbreak Station,但之後隨即被遺落在浩瀚無垠的搖滾樂世界裡頭


Cinderella is an American glam metal and hard rock band from Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania. The band emerged in the mid-1980s with a series of multi-platinum albums and hit singles whose music videos received heavy MTV rotation. They were famous for being a glam metal band, but then shifted over towards a more hard rock/blues-rock sound. By the mid-1990s, the band's popularity declined severely due to personal setbacks, break-ups, and changes in the music industry. Nonetheless, after a hiatus the band reunited and remains active. The band has sold 15 million albums worldwide, according to Tom Keifer's official website.

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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