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2015/05/28 13:13:41瀏覽546|回應0|推薦7

作者Andy Warhol


〈時間 = Time

I try to think of what time is and all I can think is . . . "Time is time was."

Sometimes you're invited to a big ball and for months you think about how glamorous and exciting it's going to be. Then you fly to Europe and you go to the ball and when you think back on it a couple of months later what you remember is maybe the car ride to the ball, you can't remember the ball at all. Sometimes the little times you don't think are anything while they're happening turn out to be what marks a whole period of your life. I should have been dreaming for months about the car ride to the ball and getting dressed for the car ride, and buying my ticket to Europe so I could take the car ride. Then, who knows, maybe I could have remembered the ball.

They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

At the end of my time, when I die, I don't want to leave any leftovers. And I don't want to be a leftover. I was watching TV this week and I saw a lady go into a ray machine and disappear. That was wonderful, because matter is energy and she just dispersed. That could be a really American invention, the best American invention—to be able to disappear. I mean, that way they couldn't say you died, they couldn't say you were murdered, they couldn't say you committed suicide over somebody.

I really do live for the future, because when I'm eating a box of candy, I can't wait to taste the last piece. I don't even taste any of the other pieces, I just want to finish and throw the box away and not have to have it on my mind any more.
I would rather either have it now or know I'll never have it so I don't have to think about it.
That's why some days I wish I were very very old-looking so I wouldn't have to think about getting old-looking.

〈死亡 = Death

I don't believe in it, because you're not around to know that it's happened. I can't say anything about it because I'm not prepared for it.

〈氣氛 = Atmosphere

To be really rich, I believe, is to have one space. One big empty space.
I really believe in empty spaces, although, as an artist, I make a lot of junk.
Empty space is never-wasted space. Wasted space is any space that has art in it.

An artist is somebody who produces things that people don't need to have but that he—for some reason—thinks it would be a good idea to give them.

Business Art is a much better thing to be making than Art Art, because Art Art doesn't support the space it takes up, whereas Business Art does. (If Business Art doesn't support its own space it goes out-of-business.)
So on the one hand I really believe in empty spaces, but on the other hand, because I'm still making some art, I'm still making junk for people to put in their spaces that I believe should be empty: i.e., I'm helping people waste their space when what I really want to do is help them empty their space.
I go even further in not following my own philosophy, because I can't even empty my own spaces. It's not that my philosophy is failing me, it's that I am failing my own philosophy. I breach what I preach more than I practice it.

When I look at things, I always see the space they occupy. I always want the space to reappear, to make a comeback, because it's lost space when there's something in it. If I see a chair in a beautiful space, no matter how beautiful the chair is, it can never be as beautiful to me as the plain space.
My favorite piece of sculpture is a solid wall with a hole in it to frame the space on the other side.

I think a lot about "space writers"—the writers who get paid by how much they write. I always think quantity is the best gauge on anything (because you're always doing the same thing, even if it looks like you're doing something else), so I set my sights on becoming a "space artist." When Picasso died I read in a magazine that he had made four thousand masterpieces in his lifetime and I thought, "Gee, I could do that in a day." So I started. And then I found out, "Gee, it takes more than a day to do four thousand pictures." You see, the way I do them, with my technique, I really thought I could do four thousand in a day. And they'd all be masterpieces because they'd all be the same painting. And I started and I got up to about five hundred and then I stopped. But it took more than a day, I think it took a month. So at five hundred a month, it would have taken me about eight months to do four thousand masterpieces—to be a "space artist" and fill up spaces that I don't believe should be filled up anyway. It was disillusioning for me, to realize it would take me that long.
我常常想著那些「空間作家」——依他們書寫的多寡而獲得報酬的作家。我一向認為數量是一切事物最好的衡量方法 (因為你做的永遠是同一件事,即便你看起來好像是在做別的事),因此我立定目標要成為一個「空間藝術家」。畢卡索過世的時候,我在雜誌上讀到他一生中共創造了四千幅傑作,所以我心想:「老天,我一天之內就辦得到,」所以我開始動筆。然後我發現:「老天,四千幅作品要花超過一天的時間。」瞧,依照我的技巧來創作這些畫,我真的以為我一天之內就能完成四千幅畫。而且它們都會是傑作,因為它們會是同一幅畫。我開始動筆而我畫了差不多五百幅畫,之後我停筆。但我花了不止一天,我想我花了一個月。所以一個月五百幅,要花我大約八個月的時間才能畫完四千幅傑作——成為「空間藝術家」並且填滿那些我不認為該填滿的空間。這對我來說是一次幻滅的經驗——明白原來這要花我這麼多時間。
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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