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2022/10/22 04:38:33瀏覽489|回應0|推薦9


作者:里爾克 (Rainer Maria Rilke)



Rodin was solitary before he was famous. And fame, when it arrived, made him perhaps even more solitary. For in the end fame is no more than the sum of all the misunderstandings that gather around a new name.
There are many of these around Rodin, and clarifying them would be a long, arduous, and ultimately unnecessary task. They surround the name, but not the work, which far exceeds the resonance of the name, and which has become nameless, as a great plain is nameless, or a sea, which may bear a name in maps, in books, and among people, but which is in reality just vastness, movement, and depth.
The work of which we speak here has been growing for years. It grows every day like a forest, never losing an hour. Passing among its countless manifestations, we are overcome by the richness of discovery and invention, and we can
t help but marvel at the pair of hands from which this world has grown. We remember how small human hands are, how quickly they tire and how little time is given them to create.

地獄之門 (1880-1917)
La Porte de lEnfer

He excluded everything that was too solitary to submit to the great totality, everything that wasn
t entirely necessary in this context. He let the figures and groups find their own places; he observed the life of the people he had created, listening and letting them all act according to their own will. This is the way the world of these Gates gradually came about. Its surfaces, to which the sculpted forms would be attached, began to come to life. The agitation of the figures melted into the surface in reliefs of decreasing depth. Within the frame there is an upward motion from both sides, a pulling- and lifting-up, while the dominant motion on the wings of the gate is a falling glide and rush.

冥思 (1881-1905)
La M

Never before has the human body been so concentrated around its interior, so shaped by its own soul and yet restrained by the elastic power of its blood. And the way the neck rises ever so slightly, stretching to hold the listening head above the distant rush of life, is so impressive and deeply felt that one has a difficult time remembering a gesture as moving or expressive.

思想者 (1881)
Le Penseur

前面,在靜鎖著的空間裡,是《思想者》(Le Penseur) 的雕像,一個因為深思的緣故徹悟了這整個光景的宏偉和恐怖的人的雕像。他坐著凝神而且緘默腦中載著無數的形象和思想而他的全部力量 (那是一個行動者的力量) 都在沉思著。他全身都是頭腦,血管裡的血液就是腦漿。

In front of this, set within the enclosed stillness of the space, is the figure of Le Penseur, the man who sees the enormity and vast horror of the scene because he thinks it. He sits in mute absorption, heavy with pictures and thoughts, and all his strength (which is the strength of a man of action) goes into this thinking. His whole body has become a skull, all the blood in his veins a brain.

康復的女人 (1892)
La Convalescente


And here beside me is another thing, a quiet face attached to a suffering hand. The plaster has that transparent whiteness that can only be imparted by Rodin’s tools. And on the stand, written and then crossed out again – Convalescente. And then I find myself among new, nameless things in progress; they were begun yesterday or the day before, or even years ago, but they have the same equanimity as the others. They don’t keep track of time.

(Translated by Daniel Slager)

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