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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 10
2014/07/23 10:36:59瀏覽250|回應0|推薦5
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 10
Tous les soirs je me plaisais à imaginer cette lettre, je croyais la lire, je m’en récitais chaque phrase. Tout d’un coup je m’arrêtais effrayé. Je comprenais que si je devais recevoir une lettre de Gilberte, ce ne pourrait pas en tous cas être celle-là, puisque c’était moi qui venais de la composer. Et dès lors, je m’efforçais de détourner ma pensée des mots que j’aurais aimé qu’elle m’écrivît, par peur, en les énonçant, d’exclure justement ceux-là – les plus chers, les plus désirés – du champ des réalisations possibles. Même si par une invraisemblable coïncidence, c’eût été justement la lettre que j’avais inventée que de son côté m’eût adressée Gilberte, y reconnaissant mon oeuvre, je n’eusse pas eu l’impression de recevoir quelque chose qui ne vînt pas de moi, quelque chose de réel, de nouveau, un bonheur extérieur à mon esprit, indépendant de ma volonté, vraiment donné par l’amour.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

(p.442 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

Every evening I would beguile myself into imagining this letter, believing that I was actually reading it, reciting each of its sentences in turn. Suddenly I would stop, in alarm. I had realised that, if I was to receive a letter from Gilberte, it could not, in any case, be this letter, since it was I myself who had just composed it. And from that moment I would strive to keep my thoughts clear of the words which I should have liked her to write to me, from fear lest, by first selecting them myself, I should be excluding just those identical words,—the dearest, the most desired—from the field of possible events. Even if, by an almost impossible coincidence, it had been precisely the letter of my invention that Gilberte had addressed to me of her own accord, recognising my own work in it I should not have had the impression that I was receiving something that had not originated in myself, something real, something new, a happiness external to my mind, independent of my will, a gift indeed from love.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

Every evening I liked to imagine this letter, I would believe I was reading it, I would recite each sentence of it to myself. All of a sudden I stopped in alarm. I realized that if I were to receive a letter from Gilberte, it could not be that one anyway since I was the one who had just written it. And from then on, I forced myself to turn my thoughts away from the words I would have liked her to write to me, for fear that by articulating them, I would exclude precisely those—the dearest, the most desired—from the field of all possible compositions. Even if through an improbable coincidence it had been precisely the letter that I had invented that Gilberte on her own account addressed to me, recognizing my work in it I would not have bad the impression of receiving something that did not come from me, something real, new, a happiness external to my mind, independent of my will, truly given by love.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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