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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 12
2014/07/26 16:44:48瀏覽257|回應0|推薦6
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 12
Quand elle m’assurait parfois qu’elle m’aimait moins qu’un de ses amis, moins qu’elle ne m’aimait la veille, parce que je lui avais fait perdre sa partie par une négligence, je lui demandais pardon, je lui demandais ce qu’il fallait faire pour qu’elle recommençât à m’aimer autant, pour qu’elle m’aimât plus que les autres ; je voulais qu’elle me dît que c’était déjà fait, je l’en suppliais comme si elle avait pu modifier son affection pour moi à son gré, au mien, pour me faire plaisir, rien que par les mots qu’elle dirait, selon ma bonne ou ma mauvaise conduite. Ne savais-je donc pas que ce que j’éprouvais, moi, pour elle, ne dépendait ni de ses actions, ni de ma volonté ?
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

(p.445 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

When she assured me (as sometimes happened) that she liked me less than some other of her friends, less than she had liked me the day before, because by my clumsiness I had made her side lose a game, I would beg her pardon, I would beg her to tell me what I must do in order that she should begin again to like me as much as, or more than the rest; I hoped to hear her say that that was already my position; I besought her; as though she had been able to modify her affection for me as she or I chose, to give me pleasure, merely by the words that she would utter, as my good or bad conduct should deserve. Was I, then, not yet aware that what I felt, myself, for her, depended neither upon her actions nor upon my desires?
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

When she assured me from time to time that she liked me less than one of her other friends, less than she had liked me the day before because I had made her lose the game through my carelessness, I would ask her to forgive me, I would ask her what I should do so that she would begin to like me again as much as the others, so that she would like me more than them; I wanted her to tell me that it was already done, I begged her for it as if she could change her affection for me as she wished, as I wished, in order to please me, merely by the words that she would say, depending on my good or my bad behavior. Did I not know, then, that what I myself felt, for her, depended neither on her actions nor on my own will?

(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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