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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 4
2014/06/25 21:38:58瀏覽250|回應0|推薦5
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊希爾貝特 (Gilberte) 4
Tout le temps que j’étais loin de Gilberte, j’avais besoin de la voir, parce que cherchant sans cesse à me représenter son image, je finissais par ne plus y réussir, et par ne plus savoir exactement à quoi correspondait mon amour. Puis, elle ne m’avait encore jamais dit qu’elle m’aimait. Bien au contraire, elle avait souvent prétendu qu’elle avait des amis qu’elle me préférait, que j’étais un bon camarade avec qui elle jouait volontiers quoique trop distrait, pas assez au jeu ; enfin elle m’avait donné souvent des marques apparentes de froideur qui auraient pu ébranler ma croyance que j’étais pour elle un être différent des autres, si cette croyance avait pris sa source dans un amour que Gilberte aurait eu pour moi, et non pas, comme cela était, dans l’amour que j’avais pour elle, ce qui la rendait autrement résistante, puisque cela la faisait dépendre de la manière même dont j’étais obligé, par une nécessité intérieure, de penser à Gilberte.

(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

(p.432~433 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

All the time that I was away from Gilberte, I wanted to see her, because, having incessantly sought to form a mental picture of her, I was unable, in the end, to do so, and did not know exactly to what my love corresponded. Besides, she had never yet told me that she loved me. Far from it, she had often boasted that she knew other little boys whom she preferred to myself, that I was a good companion, with whom she was always willing to play, although I was too absent-minded, not attentive enough to the game. Moreover, she had often shewn signs of apparent coldness towards me, which might have shaken my faith that I was for her a creature different from the rest, had that faith been founded upon a love that Gilberte had felt for me, and not, as was the case, upon the love that I felt for her, which strengthened its resistance to the assaults of doubt by making it depend entirely upon the manner in which I was obliged, by an internal compulsion, to think of Gilberte.

(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

All the time I was away from Gilberte, I needed to see her because, constantly trying o form a picture of her for myself, in the end I could not do it, and no longer knew precisely to what my love corresponded. And then she had never yet told me she loved me. Quite the contrary, she had often claimed there were boys she liked better than me, that I was a good enough friend she was always willing to play with, though too distracted, not involved enough in the game; finally, she bad often given me apparent signs of coldness that might have shaken my belief that for her I was someone different from the others, if the source of that belief had been the love Gilberte might feel for me, and not, as was the case, the love I felt for her, which rendered it far more resistant, since this made it depend entirely on the manner in which I was obliged, by an inner necessity, to think of Gilberte.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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